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本研究以生活型態理論及消費者行為理論為基礎,目的在探討臺北市運動彩券消費者特性與消費行為現況,並以此做為瞭解臺灣運動彩券銷售現況之參考依據。研究者以問卷調查方式,針對曾於臺北市內購買臺灣運動彩券之消費者進行問卷調查,共回收有效問卷392份。所得資料以描述性統計、因素分析、集群分析、區別分析、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關分析等統計方式分析處理後,所得結論如下: 一、年齡介於20~40歲間之男性為臺灣運動彩券主要消費族群。 二、大多數臺灣運動彩券消費者平日即有固定觀賞相關資訊之習慣,且頻率十分密集。 三、網路已經取代傳統平面及電子媒體成為最重要之資訊來源管道。 四、棒球仍然是目前最重要之投注標的。 五、消費者個人生活型態越趨向主動明確時,購買運動彩券之動機就越高,且當生活型態認同越為明確時購買動機間也隨之提高。 根據以上研究結果,研究者建議臺灣運動彩券於行銷推廣時,應考量性別、年齡、喜好媒體管道等不同特性進行相關推廣策略之擬定與實行,針對女性族群及足球項目進行有效的行銷,擴大運動彩券消費者族群,將可使臺灣運動彩券發展更為成功。
The study based on lifestyle and consumer behavior theory, in order to figure out characteristics and situation of consumer’s behavior of Taiwan Sports Lottery in Taipei City, and as a method to understand the market of Taiwan Sports Lottery. The study use Questionnaire as the method, subjects were consumers who ever played Taiwan Sports Lottery in Taipei City. And the valid samples are 392, The statistical techniques applied are descriptive statistics, factor analysis, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation coefficients. The Major findings were follows: 1. Main consumers of Taiwan Sports Lottery were males between ages 20-40. 2. Most consumers of Taiwan Sports Lottery had habit on watching sports events. 3. Internet has become the most important source of information rather than traditional mass medias. 4. Baseball is still the most popular target of bidding in Sports Lottery. 5. The more definite the consumer’s lifestyle, the more motivation they bought sports lottery. Also, there are significance relationships between lifestyles and motivation of buying. Based on the results of study, in order to gain more success, Taiwan Sports Lottery needs to put gender, age, and favorite media into consideration when they putting marketing strategic.



臺灣運動彩券, 臺北市, 生活型態, 消費者行為, Taiwan sports lottery, Taipei City, lifestyle, consumer behavior

