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跆拳道對打中一來一往的攻防技術之間,主動攻擊與被動攻擊是連續不斷發生的,受到規則改變影響,雖然主動攻擊增多但主動攻擊所帶來的失分率卻相對增加,而被動攻擊的失分率反而減少。其中被動攻擊以假動作主動引誘對手的「設計性被動攻擊」較容易成功。因此,本研究招募6名全國前八名之大專跆拳道男子甲組選手,以「設計性被動攻擊」的對打訓練模式,檢驗相關運動學參數,以混合二因子變異數分析(統計水準設為α=.05),探討不同選手間的被動攻擊時間差、被動攻擊動作時間與被動攻擊距離,是否會影響被動攻擊的成敗。結果發現,六位選手的時間差、動作時間、距離皆有交互作用。六位選手的得分時間差、得分動作時間、得分距離有顯著差異。六位選手的未得分時間差、未得分距離有顯著差異。選手自己的得分、未得分僅有兩位選手的得分距離顯著大於未得分距離,其餘選手均無差異。因此跆拳道對打中的動作時間越短積分越高、時間差越短積分越高,距離則因人而異無特定趨勢。所以能掌握時間差並快速回擊是影響「設計性被動攻擊」成功得分的關鍵。 關鍵詞:跆拳道對打、設計性被動攻擊、假動作
In Taekwondo sparring, active and passive attacks are continuously running every moment. Though the frequency of active attacks was increased after the rules change, so was the rate of point loss in active attacks. However, the rate of point loss in passive attack was relatively reduced. Among the various tactics of passive attack, the planned passive attacks that induced the attacks of the opponents with a feint were more successful than the responding passive attacks. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to examine the relation between the effective planned passive attacks and the performance of the reaction time, movement time, and the distance between the athletes. Six male athletes who have been in the first 8 places in the National Taekwondo Tournaments participated in the study. Every participant implemented the planned passive attack module with the other 5 participants for 20 trials. The reaction time, the movement time, and the distance between the two athletes of the passive attacks were analyzed with the two-way mixed design ANOVA. The results show that, in addition to the superior long leg length, the short reaction times and the fast movement times play the key components to the successful planned passive attacks. Key words: Taekwondo sparring, Planned passive attacks, Feint



跆拳道對打, 設計性被動攻擊, 假動作, Taekwondo sparring, Planned passive attacks, Feint

