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Abstract This research was on the students’ satisfaction about the Technical –Art Education Program at junior high schools in New Taipei City. By Proportionate stratified random sampling and cluster sampling, the objects were 5729 students from 268 classes in New Taipei City junior schools which had Technical -Art Education Programs during the 99 school year. The return rate was 92.82% based on sending out 1114 questionnaires and 1034 completed. The valid response rate was 88.87%( 990 of 1034 is valid.) The statistic methods included average, standard deviation, t-test, independent samples, and one-way ANOVA. The analysis results were as follows: 1. The students’ satisfaction was significant differences. That showed the Technical–Art Education Program was affirmed by the junior high students. 2. The analysis of the satisfaction levels from different backgrounds showed that sexes would not influence the students' satisfaction, but different kinds of programs, different class hours, different corporate partners and taking different programs would influence the students’ satisfaction. 3. The Technical–Art Education Program indeed played an important part in career developing. According to the results, this research submitted some concrete suggestions for the administration and high schools which have or will have the technical arts programs. They were: 1. For the administration, (1) Edit programs and courses for students, and formulate the guidelines. (2) The quality and quantity of the Technical –Art Education Program should be paid great attention by the Education Bureau. (3) The Technical –Art Education Program for the nine graders were worth to be widely promoted. (4) The Technical –Art Education Program was so affirmed by the students that it was worth to be developed. 2. For schools, (1) The teaching quality and the school capacity should be evaluated. (2) The class hours and the varieties of the courses should be increased.
Abstract This research was on the students’ satisfaction about the Technical –Art Education Program at junior high schools in New Taipei City. By Proportionate stratified random sampling and cluster sampling, the objects were 5729 students from 268 classes in New Taipei City junior schools which had Technical -Art Education Programs during the 99 school year. The return rate was 92.82% based on sending out 1114 questionnaires and 1034 completed. The valid response rate was 88.87%( 990 of 1034 is valid.) The statistic methods included average, standard deviation, t-test, independent samples, and one-way ANOVA. The analysis results were as follows: 1. The students’ satisfaction was significant differences. That showed the Technical–Art Education Program was affirmed by the junior high students. 2. The analysis of the satisfaction levels from different backgrounds showed that sexes would not influence the students' satisfaction, but different kinds of programs, different class hours, different corporate partners and taking different programs would influence the students’ satisfaction. 3. The Technical–Art Education Program indeed played an important part in career developing. According to the results, this research submitted some concrete suggestions for the administration and high schools which have or will have the technical arts programs. They were: 1. For the administration, (1) Edit programs and courses for students, and formulate the guidelines. (2) The quality and quantity of the Technical –Art Education Program should be paid great attention by the Education Bureau. (3) The Technical –Art Education Program for the nine graders were worth to be widely promoted. (4) The Technical –Art Education Program was so affirmed by the students that it was worth to be developed. 2. For schools, (1) The teaching quality and the school capacity should be evaluated. (2) The class hours and the varieties of the courses should be increased.
技藝教育學程, 技藝教育學程學生, 學習滿意度, 技藝教育學程學生學習滿意度, Technical-Arts Programs, students of Technical-Arts Programs, learning satisfaction, students’ satisfaction about the Technical-Arts Programs