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本研究旨在探究不同性別與發展階段的資優生與普通生樂觀傾向、自我效能與解釋型態之間的關聯。本研究採用問卷調查法,以「樂觀/悲觀傾向量表」、「自我期望量表」與「中學生解釋型態量表」為工具,研究對象包括295位資優生、437位普通生,共計732位中學生。以獨立樣本三因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析等方法分析資料,主要研究結果如下: 在中學生樂悲觀傾向方面,資優生與普通生沒有顯著差異,女性較男性具有樂觀傾向;結果支持樂觀傾向與悲觀傾向是相關,但為兩不同向度。在中學生自我效能方面,資優生較普通生具有較佳的自我效能,女性較男性具有較佳的自我效能。 中學生解釋型態研究結果較為繁複。在正向解釋型態方面,大致而言,中學女性較男性具有正向解釋型態;國中資優生較國中普通生具有正向解釋型態,高中資優生與高中普通生正向解釋型態沒有顯著差異;高中資優生與國中資優生正向解釋型態沒有顯著差異,高中普通生較國中普通生具有正向解釋型態。在負向解釋型態方面,大致而言,中學男性較女性具有負向解釋型態;普通生較資優生具有負向解釋型態;資優生在高中階段較國中階段具有負向解釋型態。 在自我效能中介樂觀傾向與解釋型態方面,資優生的樂觀傾向能藉由自我效能顯著地影響正向解釋型態,但為不完全中介模式;樂觀傾向能藉由自我效能顯著地影響負向解釋型態,為完全中介模式。普通生的樂觀傾向能藉由自我效能顯著地影響正向解釋型態,但為不完全中介模式;樂觀傾向不能預測負向解釋型態。研究結果發現正向與負向解釋型態是相關,但為兩不同向度。
The purpose of the study was to investigate dispositional optimism, self-efficacy, and explanatory style among gifted and regular secondary school students in terms of gender and developmental stages. The data of the study were collected from questionnaires. The study tools were “Optimism-Pessimism Inventory,” “Self-Efficacy Questionnaire,” and “Secondary School Students’ Explanatory Style Questionnaire.” The subjects were 732 secondary school students, including 295 gifted and 437 regular students. The data were analyzed with three-way ANOVA (independent samples), stepwise multiple regression. The results of the study are as follows: (a) On the aspect of dispositional Optimism and dispositional pessimism, there were no significant differences between gifted and regular students. Female students had shown greater dispositional optimism than male students. Dispositional optimism and pessimism were two different dimensions. On the aspect of self-efficacy, gifted students had shown higher self-efficacy than regular students, and female students had shown higher self-efficacy than male students. (b) Complex results of explanatory style were found among the subjects. On the aspect of explanatory style for positive events, female students had shown more optimistic style than male students, and gifted junior high school students had shown more optimistic style than regular junior high school students. Significant differences were found between gifted and regular senior high school students while there were no significant differences between gifted junior high and gifted senior high school students. On the other hand, regular senior high school students had shown more optimistic style than regular junior high school students. On the aspect of explanatory style for negative events, male students had shown more pessimistic style than female students. Regular students had shown more pessimistic style than gifted students while gifted senior high school students had more pessimistic style than gifted junior high school students. (c) On the aspect of self-efficacy, which mediated the relationship between dispositional optimism and explanatory style, gifted students’ self-efficacy had partially mediated the relationship between their dispositional optimism and explanatory style for positive events while gifted students’ self-efficacy had fully mediated the relationship between their dispositional optimism and explanatory style for negative events. Regular students’ self-efficacy had partially mediated the relationship between their dispositional optimism and explanatory style for positive events while regular students’ explanatory style for negative events could not be predicted by their dispositional optimism. Explanatory style for positive events and negative events were two different dimensions.



樂觀傾向, 自我效能, 解釋型態, 資優生, 正向心理學, dispositional optimism, self-efficacy, explanatory style, gifted students, positive psychology





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