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  本研究之目的在於探討國小低年級學童對健康與體育課程中體育部分自覺學習成效,瞭解課餘運動參與之現況,探討國小低年級學童在健康與體育課程中體育課自覺學習成效與課餘運動參與之間的關係,以分析健康與體育課程中體育課認知、技能、情意的學習對國小低年級學童課餘運動參與的影響。本研究以臺北市某國小為研究範圍,並以研究者所任教學校之一年級學童為研究對象,以為期6週5個班共60節的研究歷程,採行動研究法,透過教學省思、學生回饋、媒體紀錄進行資料蒐集。質性文字資料採內容分析法,透過彙整、編碼與分類,進行歸納、分析;學生回饋之量化資料以描述性統計、複選題分析、皮爾森積差相關進行處理與分析。研究結果顯示:一、國小低年級學童體育課「運動認知」的學習成效最高,平均為4.80分、其次是「運動技能學習」的4.75分、再其次為「運動情意學習」的4.74分,自評結果介於符合至非常符合之間,顯示國小低年級學童體育課自覺學習成效大致良好。二、在課餘運動參與頻率的現況上,國小低年級學童平均一星期中運動的次數介於每週四次和每週五次之間,平均每次運動的時間介於46~60分鐘之間;課餘時間運動參與類型以「健身運動」排名第一。三、國小低年級學童體育課自覺學習成效與課餘運動參與達顯著正相關 (r = .63) ,其中以「運動技能」最為顯著。本研究發現國小低年級體育教師應運用創意、樂趣化、資訊融入體育的教學策略,並重視運動休閒課程融入體育教學中,以引起學童的運動興趣,提高學習成效。
  The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of perceived learning achievement in physical education class and after-school sports activities participation of lower grade elementary school students. The relations between these two variables were also investigated to analyze the influence of their cognitive, skill and affective learning in physical education class on their participation of sports activities. Five classes of first grade students in a Taipei municipal elementary school were the participants in this study. Each class met twice per week for 6 weeks with a total of 60 teaching sessions. Action research method was adopted in this research in which data were collected through teaching reflection, student feedback and media recording. Content analysis method was used to conduct the analysis, summarization, coding and classification inductively. Student feedback was processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics analysis, multiple response analysis and Pearson product-moment correlation analysis. The results suggested: 1. The perceived learning achievement of “sports cognition” on physical education class scored the highest (4.80), followed by “sports skills” (4.75) and “affective of sports”(4.74). The results of self-evaluation were between “consistent” and “very consistent”, indicating a high level of perceived learning. 2. The frequency of their participation in sports activities ranged from 4 to 5 times per week and time spent was 46 to 60 minutes each time. “Fitness exercise” was most frequently engaged by students after school. 3. Positive correlation was found between perceived learning achievement in physical education class and after-school sports activities participation of lower grade elementary school students (r = .63). It was suggested that the physical education teachers should incorporate more creativity, entertainment and information in their teaching strategy, and the inclusion of recreational sports activities also should be emphasized to stimulate students’ interest in sports activities participation and improve learning.



國小低年級學童, 自覺學習成效, 課餘運動參與, 休閒運動, lower grade elementary school students, perceived learning achievement, after-school sports activities participation, recreational sports activities

