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本研究旨在探討高中藝術才能資優學生過度激動、完美主義特質與學習適應之相關及預測情形。本研究以問卷調查法透過「我的特質量表第三版」、「事物態度量表」以及「高中學生學習問卷」收集數據,參與研究學生包含北、中、南區美術班 272 人、音樂班 266 人、舞蹈班 111 人及普通班323 人,整理後獲得有效樣本928 份並以SPSS、AMOS 統計軟體進行資料分析。研究發現如下:一、美術班具有較強烈的情緒、想像力及感官過度激動,男生在想像力、心理動作、智能過度激動特質較強烈,女生在情緒、感官過度激動特質表現較強烈,不同班別及性別學生的想像力及感官過度激動有交互作用。二、完美主義可依正負向度分為四種組型,不同班別學生在四組型的人數比例各異,完美主義者在五項過度激動特質表現皆顯著高於非完美主義者。不同性別學生的完美主義特質則沒有顯著差異。三、美術班、舞蹈班在學習發展顯著優於普通班,女生在學習發展優於男生;不同完美主義組型學生在學習適應各分量表之得分表現皆有顯著差異,完美主義者得分較高。四、過度激動與完美主義有顯著相關,情緒過度激動與生活適應有負相關,完美主義之父母責難、在乎失誤與生活適應有負相關。五、對學習發展具有預測力的過度激動組型是智能、想像力、情緒及感官過度激動,對生活適應具有預測力的是智能、情緒及感官過度激動,對未來生涯具有預測力者為感官、智能、情緒及想像力過度激動。對學習發展具有預測力的完美主義組型是組織、父母責難及父母期望,對生活適應具有預測力的是組織、在乎失誤及個人標準,對未來生涯具有預測力的是組織、在乎失誤及父母期望。六、過度激動特質、正向完美主義與學習適應之結構方程模式經配適度檢驗獲得支持,此模式可適用於高中藝才資優生。模式顯示過度激動特質會直接影響正向完美主義,正向完美主義對學習適應有直接影響效果,過度激動特質透過完美主義間接影響學習適應。最後,研究者提出以下建議:1.不適應非完美主義的學生比例多,需要關注其輔導諮商;2.藝才資優生與普通生各有不同心理特質樣貌,可鼓勵學生結合自身優勢以發展學習策略。3.建議學校在未來持續追蹤藝才資優生學習適應情形、研發增強學生學習適應的課程活動、運用「我的特質量表」協助學生探索心理特質更加瞭解自己。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation and prediction of over-excitabilities, perfectionism, and learning adaptation in high school art-talented students.This study collected data by a questionnaire investigation approach including the"ME Scale III", "Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale" and "Student Learning Questionnaire". All of the participants are 11th graders including 272 art-talented, 266 music-talented, 111 dance-talented and 323 ordinary students from different schools of Taiwan. After excluding invalid samples, 928 samples were analyzed by the SPSS and AMOS statistical software to probe the performance and difference between students' groups. The research results are illustrated as follows: 1. Art-talented students reported the most significant emotional, imaginational and sensual OEs than other students did. Male students reported higher imaginational, psychomotor, intellectual OEs, while female students reported higher emotional and sensual OEs. In imaginational and sensual OEs, there was an interaction between classes and genders.2. In Perfectionism, all students can be divided into four types according to the score of each subscale. Perfectionists' OEs are significantly higher than that of non-perfectionists. 3. In learning development, art-talented and dance-talented students are significantly higher than that of ordinary students; females are significantly higher than males. Between the four types of perfectionism, the perfectionists have higher scores in learning adaptation. 4. There are significant correlations between all subscales of over-excitibilities and perfectionism. Emotional OE was negatively correlated with life adaptation. Among the six subscales of perfectionism, parental criticism and concern over mistakes were negatively correlated with life adaptation.5. The over-excitibilites that predict learning development are: intellectual, imaginational, emotional and sensual OEs. Intellectual, emotional and sensual OEs predict life adaptation. Predictors of future careers are sensual, intellectual, emotional and imaginational OEs.Perfectionism that predict learning development are: organization, parental criticism and expectation, for life adaptation, they are organization, concern over mistakes and personal standards. Predictors of future careers are organization, concern over mistakes, and parental expectation.6. The structural equation model of over-excitibilities, positive perfectionism and learning adaptation fitted well. The model could well imply to art-talented students. This model shows that over-excitibilities could directly affect perfectionism, and indirectly affect learning adaptation through perfectionism. Perfectionism has a direct impact on learning adaptation.Finally, the researcher propose the following suggestions: 1. Students with maladaptive imperfectionism need to pay attention to their counseling. 2. Art-talented and ordinary students have different psychological traits, teachers can encourage students to develop learning strategies based on their own strengths. 3. Educational authorities should keep longitudinal study of art-talented students in the future, develop curriculum to enhance students' learning adaptation, and use the "Me Scale" to help students understand themselves better.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation and prediction of over-excitabilities, perfectionism, and learning adaptation in high school art-talented students.This study collected data by a questionnaire investigation approach including the"ME Scale III", "Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale" and "Student Learning Questionnaire". All of the participants are 11th graders including 272 art-talented, 266 music-talented, 111 dance-talented and 323 ordinary students from different schools of Taiwan. After excluding invalid samples, 928 samples were analyzed by the SPSS and AMOS statistical software to probe the performance and difference between students' groups. The research results are illustrated as follows: 1. Art-talented students reported the most significant emotional, imaginational and sensual OEs than other students did. Male students reported higher imaginational, psychomotor, intellectual OEs, while female students reported higher emotional and sensual OEs. In imaginational and sensual OEs, there was an interaction between classes and genders.2. In Perfectionism, all students can be divided into four types according to the score of each subscale. Perfectionists' OEs are significantly higher than that of non-perfectionists. 3. In learning development, art-talented and dance-talented students are significantly higher than that of ordinary students; females are significantly higher than males. Between the four types of perfectionism, the perfectionists have higher scores in learning adaptation. 4. There are significant correlations between all subscales of over-excitibilities and perfectionism. Emotional OE was negatively correlated with life adaptation. Among the six subscales of perfectionism, parental criticism and concern over mistakes were negatively correlated with life adaptation.5. The over-excitibilites that predict learning development are: intellectual, imaginational, emotional and sensual OEs. Intellectual, emotional and sensual OEs predict life adaptation. Predictors of future careers are sensual, intellectual, emotional and imaginational OEs.Perfectionism that predict learning development are: organization, parental criticism and expectation, for life adaptation, they are organization, concern over mistakes and personal standards. Predictors of future careers are organization, concern over mistakes, and parental expectation.6. The structural equation model of over-excitibilities, positive perfectionism and learning adaptation fitted well. The model could well imply to art-talented students. This model shows that over-excitibilities could directly affect perfectionism, and indirectly affect learning adaptation through perfectionism. Perfectionism has a direct impact on learning adaptation.Finally, the researcher propose the following suggestions: 1. Students with maladaptive imperfectionism need to pay attention to their counseling. 2. Art-talented and ordinary students have different psychological traits, teachers can encourage students to develop learning strategies based on their own strengths. 3. Educational authorities should keep longitudinal study of art-talented students in the future, develop curriculum to enhance students' learning adaptation, and use the "Me Scale" to help students understand themselves better.
完美主義, 過度激動, 學習適應, 藝術才能資優, Art-talented, Learning Adaptation, Over-excitabilities, Perfectionism