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臺灣文學自1970年始,在世界各國(以北美地區為主)陸續出現英譯作品,此前的臺灣文學英譯收錄在選集名稱為「中國文學」之下,直到1976年哥倫比亞大學出版的 Chinese Stories from Taiwan: 1960-1970書名才正式出現「臺灣」,然而早在該名稱出現前已可見臺灣詩人及小說家作品英譯,英譯活動受到選集主編、譯者及公私機構共同合作的推動,譯介上百位作家及作品,「臺灣文學」英譯是延續性的活動,自第一本英譯小說選集出版之後,英譯選集及作家作品集陸續出版,1970年代始臺灣在國際社會雖進入孤立時期,但在英語世界郤有愈來愈多英譯作品出版供外國讀者閱讀,特別是標示著「臺灣」的作家及作品。 英譯選集的推介是經過多位重要的行動者(包括選集、叢刊編者及譯者)的努力,臺灣文學英譯是一個近代英譯史的事件,隨著英譯選集的譯介與展延,目前在美國地區或臺灣本土,可見臺灣作家作品英譯收錄在文學選集的讀本裡,也可見以「臺灣」為題的英譯作品或叢刊,行動者共同建構了臺灣文學英譯的歷史及現況。不僅讓臺灣文學在世界文學的舞台現身,更突顯臺灣文化在世界歷史上所佔有的一席之地。翻譯使不同語言文化統合於一語境之下,再現譯入語文化,選譯作品及翻譯策略遵循已有美學價值,在選與不選譯之間,英譯臺灣文學選集塑造臺灣經典文學,英譯史的發展及成果均值得研究。 本論文援引操縱學派意識形態翻譯理論及布赫迪厄的文學場域理論,試結合翻譯理論及社會學觀點,檢視臺灣文學英譯場域裡行動者的作為,從其位置及習性等面向切入,同時觀察臺灣文學英譯場域裡不同行動者的意識形態。並以臺灣文學英譯場域的參與行動者為研究對象,探討有關於翻譯以及臺灣文學翻譯的敘事或譯述,重心放在翻譯的功能及成果,除研究「臺灣文學」敘事話語意涵外,也深入分析探討「臺灣文學」英譯中譯者的翻譯策略及其於文學場域裡的位置、習性及態度。 臺灣作家所寫作的內容多是其自身關心的內容,藉由詩、小說或其他文體表達對社會、地域或自身身份認同等問題的看法或質疑,形塑「想像的共同體」,臺灣作家依據其對族群的想像創造出臺灣文學,譯者及選集編者則透過翻譯促成此一共同體的建構。王德威等人推動在美國出版的臺灣文學選集作品中,不乏有所謂「後遺民寫作」的觀點,或「華文文學」的走向。另一方面,由杜國清主導出版至今的《臺灣文學英譯叢刊》,除了譯介臺灣文學作品包括小說、詩、散文外,更納入臺灣文學評論及研究,推崇臺灣本土書寫,並英譯殖民時期日語書寫的作家作品,試圖改變以中文為唯一的寫作語言的作法。本研究發現英譯臺灣文學在主體性的呈現隨時間而有所變化,而英譯的文學選集內容上也呈現多重的認同。參與臺灣文學英譯的重要譯者如葛浩文及陶忘機兩人具有學者及譯者雙重身份,在翻譯策略上則以讀者為中心,採取顯性的作為,譯介推崇臺灣作家進入世界文學場域。本研究視英譯臺灣文學為象徵資本,使臺灣文學在英語世界,甚至在世界文學場域中得以立足,應歸功於行動者的努力。
Although the term “Taiwan literature” didn’t appear in the Western world until the 1990s, poetry and novels written by Taiwan authors have been translated for English readers with the great efforts of the editors and translators of several important anthologies for the last few decades. Changes in themes that represent Taiwan literature have been determined by the agents involved in the translation. It is argued that the ideologies of these agents toward Taiwan’s national identity have shaped the representations of the translated Taiwan literature. Translation converts a foreign language into another so that its readers could appreciate. Meanwhile, it forms what Venuti claimed “domestic representation” – a view on foreign culture, a canon of literature, or even promotion of certain values (Venuti, 1998). When the translators and editors choose certain pieces to translate, follow certain aesthetic values, they are most likely to build up a canon for a foreign literature in the local market. This dissertation attempts to mobilize the Bourdieusian concepts of field, symbolic capital and habitus for explaining the effect of translation on Chinese literary field in America. The position and habitus of the agents (editors and translators)involved in translating Taiwanese authors and literature could determine the representations of “Taiwan Literature” in English Translation. Two opposite opinions have been proliferating in Taiwan in terms of the possible outcome for the resolution of the political status of Taiwan and how they see themselves. More or less, these opinions influence how Taiwanese writers interpret their “Chinese” identity. Since literature could be seen as a socially symbolic act (Jameson, 1981), various representations of Taiwan could be seen in literature. It is interesting to reveal how these representations would turn out after literary pieces have been translated into English. It is necessary to note that translators and editors play an important role in the process; therefore, their actions may account for the final results. This dissertation analyzes the habitus and disposition of these agents and the way in which they promote Taiwan literature and construct a unique identity of Taiwan and its hybrid cultures. This writer sees translated Taiwan literature as a cultural capital for the agents to challenge the existed dominating Chinese literary field in America and bring literary works of Taiwanese authors into the world of world literature. Throughout their engagement, the subjectivity and canon of Taiwan literature emerged. It is also significant to know that these agents share the illusion that such translating process somehow helps promote Taiwan literature in the world of world literature.



翻譯社會學面向, 臺灣文學英譯, 布赫迪厄, 場域理論, 認同, 象徵資本, sociological perspectives of translation, Taiwan literature in English tranaltion, Bourdieu, field theory, identity, symbolic capital

