"A Majority of One" :傳教士譯者馬克萊奇
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馬克萊奇是第一本《易經》及《御纂朱子全書•理氣》英譯本的譯者,雖然首開先河,但百多年來飽受惡評、漠視與誤解。本論文以傳記形式從馬克萊奇的視角鋪陳他翻譯這兩本中國經典的時代背景與他的傳教生涯,來重新檢視他這兩本譯本及評論的流變。研究發現他的翻譯是為了證明中國經典裡的「上帝」不是Christian God,以此將十九世紀在華新教傳教士譯名之爭的戰場從原本的《聖經》中譯轉向中國經典英譯。他的翻譯是他傳教士生涯的一部份,不僅和他在中國的所思所見密切相關,也聯繫著當時在中國其他傳教士的所言所行,以及當時中國發生的大小事件。主張「上帝」譯名的漢學家理雅各對他強烈且情緒化的抨擊是其飽受惡評及漠視的源頭,當代學者雖然不再譏諷他將「上帝」詮釋為雌雄同體的朱庇特,但也忘了他翻譯的初衷,以致誤解頻生。所以他的翻譯必須放回到他的傳教士身分與生涯中來理解。
Thomas McClatchie is recognized as the first to translate the Classic of Change and Section Forty-Nine of The “Complete Works” of The Philosopher ChooFoo-Tze into English. Despite this accomplishment, his work has been criticized, disdained, and misunderstood for over a century. This paper employs a biographical style of writing to reconsider the reception to these translations over time through the lens of their historical context and McClatchie’s missionary career. Researchers now realize that a major purpose of McClatchie’s translation was to prove that the term “上帝 ” used in Chinese classics is not the same as Christianity’s God, marking a shift in debate among nineteenth-century Protestant missionaries from Chinese translations of the Bible to English versions of Chinese classics. Therefore, his translation work was integral to his career as a missionary. It not only reflected what he contemplated and witnessed in China but was also inextricably linked to the conversations and activities of his contemporaries, as well as other events occurring in China. The harsh criticism and scorn leveled against McClatchie can be traced back to fierce and emotional attacks by James Legge, a sinologist who advocated the use of “上 帝 ” in translations. Although scholars today no longer mock McClatchie’s interpretation of “上帝 ” as “a hermaphroditic Jupiter,” they now forget the original intentions behind it, producing a great deal of misunderstanding. To be truly understood, his translations must be viewed in the context of his identity and career.
Thomas McClatchie is recognized as the first to translate the Classic of Change and Section Forty-Nine of The “Complete Works” of The Philosopher ChooFoo-Tze into English. Despite this accomplishment, his work has been criticized, disdained, and misunderstood for over a century. This paper employs a biographical style of writing to reconsider the reception to these translations over time through the lens of their historical context and McClatchie’s missionary career. Researchers now realize that a major purpose of McClatchie’s translation was to prove that the term “上帝 ” used in Chinese classics is not the same as Christianity’s God, marking a shift in debate among nineteenth-century Protestant missionaries from Chinese translations of the Bible to English versions of Chinese classics. Therefore, his translation work was integral to his career as a missionary. It not only reflected what he contemplated and witnessed in China but was also inextricably linked to the conversations and activities of his contemporaries, as well as other events occurring in China. The harsh criticism and scorn leveled against McClatchie can be traced back to fierce and emotional attacks by James Legge, a sinologist who advocated the use of “上 帝 ” in translations. Although scholars today no longer mock McClatchie’s interpretation of “上帝 ” as “a hermaphroditic Jupiter,” they now forget the original intentions behind it, producing a great deal of misunderstanding. To be truly understood, his translations must be viewed in the context of his identity and career.
馬克萊奇, 傳教士, 傳記, 翻譯史, 譯名問題, 聖號, Thomas McClatchie, missionary, biography, translation history, Term Question, Church Missionary Society