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筆者近年致力於東晉南朝政治史的研究,以權力結構演變的視角出發,研究南朝梁政權,以及東 晉南朝的寒人問題。本研究計畫乃是此系列研究的延續,由「晚渡北人」政治地位變動的線索,挖掘 東晉南朝政治社會的底層構造。 東晉南朝境內的族群,一般分為北來之僑人、吳人,以及南方土著之原住民,其中僑人長期高居 統治地位。然而,僑人之中有一類被稱之為「晚渡北人」者,身分地位頗為特殊,他們雖為僑人,但 因南渡時間較晚,其門第不能與早渡之僑姓高門相比,甚至在吳姓高門之下,他們起初多以軍事立功, 被稱為將門,但隨後也逐漸文弱化。東晉政權之武力多賴早期南渡京口的北府兵軍團相維繫,南朝歴 代政權之興衰則與「晚渡北人」相浮沈。 以往學界對「晚渡北人」的問題,雖有散篇、個別的探討,但在廣度與深度上都還有很大的探討 空間。目前筆者正在執行的國科會研究計畫,已全面蒐集、分析正史列傳中所有南渡北人的基本資料, 整理出史傳所見「晚渡北人」的各種年表,並正在探討「晚渡北人」概念的形成年代及背景, 本計畫 則是希望在前述成果之下,進一步探討「晚渡北人」在東晉南朝歴史上的活動,以及他們在南朝歴代 政權興衰中所扮演的角色。
The peoples in the terrority of the Tong–chin Southern Dynsaties, in general, could be divided into two parts: the Chiao people and the Wu people from the north as well as some aboriginals such as the Man tribe and the Yue tribe from the south. Of all the peoples, the Chiao people had the absolute dominace for quite a long time. However, there was some kind of group, within the Chiao people, with particular identity and status, named the late migrating Northerners. Though they were also called the Chiao, its social and political position was thoroughly incomparable with that of the early migrating noble Chiao, and even lower than the noble Wu’s. In politics and society, despised as it was, the rise and fall of the sovereignty in the Tong–chin Southern Dynasties had absolute close relationship with it. Accordingly, the study intends to institute detailed researches on the late migrating Northerners as well as probes into the correlation between the rise and fall of the sovereignty regarding the Southern Dynasties and the late migrating Northerners.







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