臺灣NIKE、adidas與Under Armour品牌行銷組合全球在地化之研究

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本研究之目的為以全球在地化之觀點分析NIKE、adidas與Under Armour在臺灣的行銷組合8Ps發展脈絡。本研究品牌影音與文件資料並用半結構式深度訪談法訪問現職與曾任職於adidas臺灣分公司與Under Armour代理商的經理人。研究結果顯示運動品牌行銷為品牌全球化與在地化行銷同時進行。品牌全球化主要藉由發展起源地的運動文化與品牌形象呈現給全球的消費者,並透過各種媒體述說品牌的故事。在地化行銷則是運動品牌結合品牌背景與臺灣文化呈現給消費者。在全球在地化的過程中,NIKE、adidas與Under Armour的行銷組合以推廣與行銷公共關係作為主角,其餘6Ps則作為配角。品牌在各式行銷內容中將全球與臺灣的主角和配角相互運用,進而打造出最完整的行銷組合。因此,NIKE、adidas與Under Armour皆藉由全球與在地兩者不可分割的關係建構出屬於臺灣運動產業中的行銷組合。
The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of the brand marketing mix of NIKE, adidas and Under Armour in Taiwan from the perspective of glocalization. This research collected brand information and literature, using a semi-structured in-depth interview method. The participants were selected via purposive sampling, including the current and former managers from adidas’ branch and Under Armour’s agent in Taiwan. The results showed that sport brands marketing in Taiwan can be divided into brand globalization and local marketing. Meanwhile, brand globalization was presented to customers around the world through the sports culture and brand image in its origin country. Local marketing, on the other hand, combined the brand stories and Taiwanese culture to present to customers. During the glocalization process, NIKE, adidas and Under Armour concentrate mainly in promotion and marketing public relations in their marketing mix, with 6Ps as secondary strategies. The brands make flexible use of the global and local characteristics in marketing contents to optimize the marketing mix. Therefore, the inseparable relationship between the global and the local helped NIKE, adidas and Under Armour build an unique marketing mix exclusively in Taiwan's sports industry.



全球在地化, 運動品牌, 品牌行銷, Glocalization, Sports Brand, Brand Marketing





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