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本研究希望在翻轉這種教學次序調轉的模式之下,將創意討論技巧配合學科以「融入式」來輔助教學,讓教師不需要在課堂中費時解釋創意技法的理論來使學習者瞭解背後原理,卻可以在課程中結合教學活動,引導學習者實際透過創造力技法去操作與討論學習內容,即能在顧及原本教學進度之外,同時達成學科相關學習表現與創造力表現雙重教學目標。恰逢我國這一波十二年國民基本教育的改革,其總綱直指涵育公民責任與創新驅動的重要性,故翻轉教學應用在公民科不僅是一種教學精進,亦丞載了國人對教育的期待。因此,本研究採用不等組準實驗法設計,以台北市某國中的兩個班級個別作為實驗組(翻轉式創意教學)與對照組(一般講述教學),班級人數皆為28人。進行歷時一個月的教學研究後,以共變數分析為統計方式,探討翻轉式創意教學應用於國中公民科對學生學習表現之影響。研究結果發現,進行翻轉式創意教學的實驗組,在「創造力」、「公民科分析應用能力」、「公民參與態度」、「師生互動關係」、「同儕互動關係」、「學習動機」與「自我導向學習傾向」等七個依變項皆顯著優於對照組, 而在「公民科記憶理解能力」此變項,兩組沒有顯著差異。顯示翻轉式創意教學除了能夠提供與一般講述教學相同的「記憶基礎知識」提升效果之外,還能夠進一步有效的提升學習者的「學習軟實力」。
This study aims at assisting teaching by “incorporating” creative discussion techniques in subject teaching under the flipped learning model. This saves teachers the time explaining the theory of creative techniques in class and making learners understand the principles behind it. Teacher can instead integrate their teaching activities in the classroom to guide learners to work on and discuss the learning contents. Thus, besides being able to follow the original teaching schedule, teachers can, at the same time, achieve the dual teaching goals of learning performance and creative performance in relation to the subject. As Taiwan is now undergoing its reform of the 12-year Compulsory Education, whose general guidelines point directly to the importance of nurturing civic responsibility and innovative drive, the application of flipped learning in the teaching of Civics is thus not only an improvement in teaching, but also carries Taiwanese people’s expectations of education. Therefore, this study employed the nonequivalent group quasi-experimental design and selected two classes, each having 28 students, from a junior high school in Taipei City as an experimental group (creative teaching method of flipped learning) and a control group (general didactic teaching) respectively. The research in teaching lasted for a month, after which the statistical method of analysis of covariance was used to investigate the effects of applying flipped learning in the teaching of Civics on students’ performance. The research results showed that the experimental group of who received the flipped learning method performed significantly better than the control group in seven dependent variables of “creativity”, “analytical and application abilities in Civics”, “attitude toward civic participation”, “teacher-student interaction”, “peer interaction”, “learning motivation”, and “self-directed learning readiness” with no significant difference between them in the variable of “memorization and comprehension abilities”. This indicates that in addition to having the same effect of enhancing the “memorization of basic knowledge” as general didactic teaching; flipped learning can further improve the “learning soft power” of learners effectively.



翻轉教學, 創意教學, 學習表現, Flipped Learning, Creative Teaching Method, Learning Performance





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