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創新議題越來越被重視,但如何讓組織成員都能接受創新,實為大家關注的問題。本研究主要根據Rogers (1995)之組織創新擴散理論為基礎,目的在探討組織創新擴散之內涵、流程與各階段之影響因素。以質性個案研究法進行,選擇證券業電子式交易金額前五名企業為個案研究對象進行單一個案研究,透過深度訪談方式進行資料蒐集。
The purpose of this research was to explore the influencing factors of the diffusion of organizational innovation in each process. The research is according to Rogers’s model (1995) of diffusion of organizational innovation. The research method followed single case study of qualitative research. In this study, the conclusions are as followed: 1.There are six steps of the diffusion of organizational innovation. The six steps are listed as follows: (1) developing the innovative concepts, (2) planning the innovative programs, (3) adjusting the innovative programs, (4) clarifying the uncertainty, (5) incorporating innovations into the works, (6) innovative results. 2.The process of the diffusion of organizational innovation is listed as follows: developing innovative concepts→ planning the innovative programs→ adjusting the innovative programs and clarifying the uncertainty→ incorporating innovations into the works→ innovative results. 3.There are different influencingfactors in each step of the diffusion of organizational innovation. In addition, the results of this study were proposed the suggestions to the future researchers and the case company.
The purpose of this research was to explore the influencing factors of the diffusion of organizational innovation in each process. The research is according to Rogers’s model (1995) of diffusion of organizational innovation. The research method followed single case study of qualitative research. In this study, the conclusions are as followed: 1.There are six steps of the diffusion of organizational innovation. The six steps are listed as follows: (1) developing the innovative concepts, (2) planning the innovative programs, (3) adjusting the innovative programs, (4) clarifying the uncertainty, (5) incorporating innovations into the works, (6) innovative results. 2.The process of the diffusion of organizational innovation is listed as follows: developing innovative concepts→ planning the innovative programs→ adjusting the innovative programs and clarifying the uncertainty→ incorporating innovations into the works→ innovative results. 3.There are different influencingfactors in each step of the diffusion of organizational innovation. In addition, the results of this study were proposed the suggestions to the future researchers and the case company.
組織創新, 創新擴散, 組織創新擴散, 影響因素, organization innovation, diffusion of innovation, diffusion of organization innovation, influencing factors