

鑑於女性經驗長期在歷史書寫中缺席,本研究以女性主義為檢視準則,重 構歷史中的女性經驗。觀諸政治、經濟及教育等被視為解放女性的三大管道中,教育往往被視為最基本的重要環節,故本研究以女性受教經驗為核心,於文獻探討的基礎上,採用口述歷史重構1941年至1949年間,臺灣女童在國民學校的學習經驗。 本研究範圍限定於1941年至1949年間的國民學校,採用立意取樣,針對南投埔里、基隆仙洞兩地等十一名受訪者,進行口述歷史之訪談,另並藉由若干小學校史與相關文獻資料,重構臺灣女童在國民學校的學習經驗。 本研究主要發現,簡述如下: 一、國民學校的實施使女童入學所佔性別比率明顯提高,並且有助於女童取得文憑,惟逾齡入學的情形仍然普遍。 二、探討國民學校課程的實施,女童學習的課程內容仍難脫傳統性別刻板印象的要求。 三、女童就學機會受限於「性別刻板印象」、「父權觀念」、「家長對受教育價值的認同」等因素的影響,但仍有女童透過自身強烈的求學意願而突破限制,爭取接受教育的機會。
Because there was almost absence of female roles in history in Taiwan, this study is intended to report the past condition of primary school education for girls in Taiwan which may influence the female roles in society and through the reconstruction of their situations in the past to learn it on the basis of liberalism of women today. A meaningful guidance is hoped established. There have had been three channels for liberty of women, i.e., politics, economics and education. Education is considered the main basic chain in the channels taken as the core in the study. The study was performed based on the historical data of the primary education of girls in Taiwan from 1941-1949 and the oral descriptions from different individuals interviewed by the author. It was done through personal visits and dialogues to collect the historical educational data mainly from 1941-1949 in an opened area, Sientung in Keelung and the closed area, Puli in Nanto .The periods for the study included the late stage of Japan-occupied and the early stage of ROC-recovered. During the different periods, there were different educational systems and activities in Taiwan. From this study, the data collected from those who were mostly girl students attending primary schools during the periods and the related historical data in reconstruction of the primary school educational situations for girls in the past, we may learn it from the history. There are three main findings of the study as follows: 1. The rate of girls’ enrollments into primary school had been raised explicitly, and the fact which made girls to acquire the certificates more easily. But many girls were over school age at that time. 2. By probing into curriculum practice in primary school at that time, the researcher finds that the curriculum contents which girls had learned still were entangled in the idea of stereotype of gender. 3. About the strained limitation of education for girls in Taiwan in the past, it was evident that was mostly due to the conception from a man-dominant society. However, it was found that there were still some girls could break the restriction of education for them in the past because of their strong wills and intentions.



臺灣女童, 國民學校, 學習經驗, girls in Taiwan, primary school, experience of school





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