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隨著亞洲觀光產業崛起,臺灣行政院推動觀光拔尖領航方案,以「觀光」串聯其他產業成為六大新興產業的重要關鍵。而觀光帶領餐旅產業的蓬勃發展,未來國際旅館投資興建將成為臺灣觀光產業進一步成長的新亮點。本研究目的為分析臺灣國際觀光旅館營業績效結合其區位選擇因素,探討哪些旅館區位選擇因素會影響其營業績效以建立未來國際觀光旅館選址標的。本研究以臺灣國際觀光旅館為研究樣本,以資料包絡分析法 (Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA) 衡量2009至2013年各旅館之營業效率。接著,以營業效率、住房率、平均房價,與平均客房收益 (Revenue Per Available Room, RevPAR) 為依變項四組模型,以線性迴歸之最小平方法 (Ordinary Least Squares, OLS)、Tobit迴歸,與截斷式迴歸分析探討旅館區位選擇因素與其本身屬性資料是否會對其產生影響,研究結果發現距離捷運站越近、旅館周圍半徑五百公尺百貨公司數越多,且群聚作用皆會對其產生正向顯著影響。本研究結果可以為未來國際觀光旅館在區位選擇上作為參考標的,使其選擇適當的區位並為其帶來較高之營業績效。
Due to the highly developing of travel industry around the world, Taiwanese government built up many policies for promotion, and it made Taiwan becoming a popular travel destination in Asia. The successful of these promotion policies also brought benefits to hospitality industry and made it being more and more important in Taiwan. Hence, the purpose of this research was finding out which location factor may influence operational performance of international tourism hotel in Taiwan. This research utilized Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for analyzing the efficiency of all international tourist hotels (ITHs) in Taiwan during 2009 to 2013. Moreover, we utilized Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Tobit regression, and Truncated regression and divided it into different model to find out the factors which may affected ITHs performance. The result was found out the key factors that may influence ITHs’ efficiency, occupancy rate, average daily rate, and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR). According to the result, ITHs near Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), the number of department stores in 500m radius, and agglomeration effects will positively influence ITHs performance, and the investors or governments could make a properly location choice and gain a better operating performance in the future.
Due to the highly developing of travel industry around the world, Taiwanese government built up many policies for promotion, and it made Taiwan becoming a popular travel destination in Asia. The successful of these promotion policies also brought benefits to hospitality industry and made it being more and more important in Taiwan. Hence, the purpose of this research was finding out which location factor may influence operational performance of international tourism hotel in Taiwan. This research utilized Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for analyzing the efficiency of all international tourist hotels (ITHs) in Taiwan during 2009 to 2013. Moreover, we utilized Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Tobit regression, and Truncated regression and divided it into different model to find out the factors which may affected ITHs performance. The result was found out the key factors that may influence ITHs’ efficiency, occupancy rate, average daily rate, and Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR). According to the result, ITHs near Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), the number of department stores in 500m radius, and agglomeration effects will positively influence ITHs performance, and the investors or governments could make a properly location choice and gain a better operating performance in the future.
住房率, 平均房價, 平均客房收益, 營業效率, 資料包絡分析法, Occupancy Rate, Average Daily Price, RevPAR, Operating Efficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis