自我教導策略對國中學習障礙學生 荒業行為處理之成效

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本研究旨在探討自我教導策略對改善國中學習障礙學生荒業行為之成效及維持效果,研究對象為二位就讀於國中普通班接受資源班直接服務之學習障礙學生,兩位受試者接受九週的自我教導策略教學,每週兩次,每次45分鐘。研究方法採用單一受試實驗設計中的「跨行為多基線設計」,教學實驗分為基線期、處理期以及維持期三階段,自變項為自我教導策略教學,依變項為自我教導策略習得情形以及三項荒業行為之次數,三項荒業行為分別為上課說話行為、上課玩弄東西及未完成課堂學習單。 研究工具為研究者自編之「自我教導策略檢核表」及「荒業行為觀察記錄表」,將所得的量化分數應用目視分析法及C統計進行分析,加上訪談二名受試之普通班導師以蒐集自我教導策略實施後之質性資料,綜合評估自我教導策略的教學成效。本研究所得之結果說明如下: 一、國中學習障礙學生確實習得自我教導策略並運用。 二、自我教導策略對改善國中學習障礙學生之荒業行為具有成效。 三、自我教導策略對改善國中學習障礙學生之荒業行為具有維持成效。 綜合上述結論,研究者分別對教學及未來研究提出建議。
The primary purpose of this study was to explore the immediate effects and the sustained effects on off-task behavior by integrating the self-instructional strategy on junior high school students with learning disabilities. Two junior high students with learning disabilities in resource room were taught by integrating the self-instructional strategy for nine weeks, twice a week, 45 minutes a session. A multiple-baseline across behaviors of a single-subject experimental design was used in this study. Experimental instruction came in three phases: baseline, intervention and retention. While the only independent variable was self-instructional strategy, there were two dependent variables, involving the students’ performance on learning self-instructional strategy and the times of three off-task behaviors. The three target off-task behaviors were talking in class, playing with unnecessary things in class and the worksheet uncompleted. The study used “the checklist of self-instructional strategy” and an “observation sheet of off-task behavior ” as study tools. The data collection included evaluating by means of visual analysis and C statistics and interviewing the students’ homeroom teacher about their performance in general class after learning self-instructional strategy. The results of this study are as follows: A. The students with learning disabilities can acquire and apply the self-instructional strategy. B. There is great improvement on off-task behavior by integrating the self-instructional strategy of students with learning disabilities. C. There are maintaining effects on the improvement on off-task behavior of students with learning disabilities Further discussion was addressed on the basis of the above findings and suggestions were proposed for practitioner and further researchers.



自我教導策略, 學習障礙, 荒業行為, 跨行為多基線設計, self-instructional strategy, learning disabilities, off-task behavior, multiple-baseline across behaviors design





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