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教師的教學行動與教師對教學與學習所持的信念息息相關。教師的教學活動如何設計施 行及學生如何進行其學習活動,教師的信念都扮演著關鍵性的角色。本研究計畫的目的即在 探索高中科學教師對教學與學習本質的信念為何,以及此教學信念如何影響其教學活動的實 施。本研究分三年進行,主要研究主軸為(1)探究科學教師對教學與學習所持的信念;(2) 檢視教學信念與教學實踐之間的關係及交互影響;(3)探索影響教師信念形塑及改變的因素 為何。本研究將採用量表評量的量化調查方法及訪談與教室觀察的質性研究進行資料蒐集及 分析。將開發的研究工具包括調查用的「教學與學習信念問卷」及「教學實施方式問卷」以 及質性個案研究使用的「教學信念訪談問卷」。本研究計畫的重要性在於,除了以多數學者皆 已採用的以量化調查方法探索教師的自述式的教學信念外,本研究的主軸將進一步進入教學 現場以觀察及訪談的方式釐清影響教師信念發展及改變的因素以及這些發展及改變如何影響 教師教學的實踐及對其專業自我的認識。研究結果除了將有助於以實證研究說明教學信念的 研究對推動建構式教學的教育改革的成效至為重要外,研究結果亦將提出有助於調整改革方 向的建言及教師專業成長活動設計與實施的參考架構。
Teachers’ teaching actions and behaviors are related to their beliefs on teaching and learning. Teachers’ beliefs play a significant role in shaping their teaching actions and how students learn. The purpose of this project study is to explore high school science teachers’ beliefs about the nature of teaching and learning and the influence of their beliefs on their teaching practice. The main goals of this three-year project study are (1) to investigate science teachers’ beliefs on the nature of teaching and learning, (2) to examine the influence/interaction relationship between the teacher beliefs and their practice in classroom teaching, and (3) to explore the factors that associated with the development/change of the teachers’ beliefs. Quantitative and qualitative study methods will be employed to achieve the project goals in exploring teachers’ beliefs and the relation between the beliefs and practice. Two questionnaires of Beliefs of Teaching and Learning (BTL) and Instructional Practice (IP) for survey study and one interview protocol of Pedagogical Beliefs Interview (PBI) for qualitative study will be developed for data collection and analysis. The significance of this project study is, in addition to survey study on science teachers’ views on beliefs and practice, research attention will go beyond the understanding the teachers’ beliefs of teaching and learning in general and move towards factors and changes in teachers’ beliefs and examine how the identified factors affect their perceptions of teaching practice in the context of the school environment and thus forming/changing their role image as a teacher. The research outcomes on teachers’ beliefs of teaching and learning would be informative to educators and researchers who concern the implementation of constructivist inquiry-oriented teaching practice for educational reform. The project outcomes will not only to demonstrate how attending to teachers’ teaching beliefs is particularly critical for the efforts of advocating constructivist inquiry-based instruction for science education reform, but also to present a conceptual framework that can guide the reform efforts and teachers professional development designed to support the reform movement.



