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全球旅遊業增長快速,需求亦大幅提升,在台灣的觀光遊客無論來台旅客或出國旅客近年來都大幅快速成長,旅遊業成為龐大且快速成長的市場。由於資通訊科技的發達(ICT),旅客的旅遊型態也大幅的轉變,從過去以套裝行程到現在以自由行的市場主流。客戶的偏好也越趨多元,客製化、個人化也成為旅遊的主流。但不論團體旅遊或者是自由行的旅客,還存在的許多的缺口/需求。以現今旅遊業的結構及固有限制,由生產端生產,消費者購買的單向線性模式,恐難有突破性的解決方案。反觀以消費者視角為出發的C2B模式是以消費者為核心,由消費者的驅動,逆向整合整體供應鏈,為消費者提供更高程度客製化模式,不同於傳統的電子商務主要為B2B(廠商對廠商)、B2C(廠商對消費者)的模式,更能滿足上述之缺口/需求。 網路平台具有跨區域、及時更新、隨時運作、資訊平面化及容易取得等特性,可以有效的減少資訊的落差並降低交易成本。近年來許多快速崛起的網路企業如UBER、Airb&b等皆以《平台經濟模式》運行,該平台企業本身不擁服務本身的資源,主要功能是將資源擁有者及資源需求者透過平台媒合。 平台以更精準、快速為訴求,且更容易的串聯生產者與消費者,不僅改變企業間的連結關係也改變產業間的運作模式,將傳統單向線性結構轉變成互相價值創造為基礎的雙邊或多邊的市場。 本文作者認為C2B模式雖然以消費者需求為導向,但並非僅追求消費者利益最大化,而是能藉由平台經濟模式,讓平台上多方的使用者都可能扮演不同角色並運用平台提供的資源讓彼此連結、互動及交易、消費或共創價值並透過不同角色的互補來創造更大的市場,追求的是使買、賣雙方的利益互為最大化,所以運用平台經濟模式是實現C2B模式的價值核心及關鍵方式。 本研究目的主要探討以下問題: 一、以消費者角度反觀現今旅遊市場產品未能充分滿足之缺口/需求為何。 二、根據問題一的探討,如何以C2B模式來滿足以上需求/缺口,並運用平台經濟模式,建構一個讓各個平台的參與者相互創造價值,各獲其利的旅遊平台。 三、為實踐上述C2B模式所建構平台及該平台之可行性分析。 本研究透過與旅客的深度訪談,以了解旅客的需求及相關解決方案的探討,規劃出一個結合旅遊元件供應商、旅行社、旅遊消費者及行程設計者的多邊交流互動旅遊平台。並透過文獻的探討、資料的蒐集及可行性分析,顯示在市場面、需求面及產品差異性上都有其優勢,期望旅遊網站平台(以下簡稱本平台)可以為旅遊產業帶來不一樣的創新與發展。
The worldwide tour industry has been growing rapidly in last decade with substantial rise on demand. The market in Taiwan, whether for inbound or outbound tourist, is with no exception. While the size of Taiwan tour industry is enlarging and expands rapidly, the main form of tour has been migrating from fixed-set escorted style to free-lance independent one thanks to the evaluation of information technology and telecommunication. Traveler now is able to customize his/her own tour plan fitting individual needs and preferences as desired with access of mass information in just few clicks. Despite the movement of above trend, there are still many needs/gaps, from consumer’s perspective, unfulfilled due to current industry structure and restriction,i.e.,theproducer-fabricate-and-consumer-purchase linier model in service/product delivery in that any ground-breaking solution is hardly foresee. Consumer-to-Business model (“C2B”), on the other hand, may provide a total diffident angel in seeking solution. C2B model, by taking consumer as core and driven by his/her desire, will be able to provide tailor-made solution in order to fulfill those needs/gaps. The realization of the above C2B model will be through Network Platform; all information available on this platform is on-time, on-line, zero-barrier, and easy-to-access, which will be able to reduce the information gap among participating parties as well as lower the transaction cost substantially. Recently the rising enterprises such as UBER and Airbnb, based on the concept of “network platform economics”, brought revolutionary success and tremendous impact to conventional business model. Without producing any product and service, the key function provided by such network platform is to match the need of consumer and supply of producer and link all participants in the manner of speed and efficiency. This platform has changed not only the relationship between producer and consumer, but also expand the possibility of product/service delivery method, i.e., from give-and-take (linier model) to all-party-participation (multiple model), which enhances the value to all participants through interaction. The author believes that although the C2B model is oriented to the needs of consumers, it is not only the pursuit of maximizing the interests of consumers, but it is hoped that the users of multiple platforms in the platform economy mode may play different roles and use the resources provided by the platform to connect and interact with each other. And trading, consuming or creating value and creating a larger market through the complementarity of different roles, the pursuit is to maximize the interests of both buyers and sellers, so the use of platform economic model is the core value and key to realize the C2B model. the way. Through the method of depth interview of consumers, this study is to understand their real needs in conjunction, with discussion on feasible solutions correspond to in order to design a network platform that allows interest parties e.g., tour product provider, travel agent, consumer, and tour designer to participate and interact with. With further academic study, data collection, and feasibility study, C2B mode is a new approach with advantage in various aspects of market, demands, and product differentiation, in comparison with the conventional industry approach. This particular network platform will bring different view in innovation and further development for tour industry. The primary studies of this research mainly focus on: 1.Identify the unfulfilled needs/gaps of today’s tour industry from consumer’s perspective 2.How C2B model, based on the finding from above, can satisfy these unfulfilled needs/gaps and enhance benefit/value to all participants 3.Realize C2B model by implementing the network platform with feasibility analysis



旅遊, 網路平台, 平台經濟模式, C2B, Tour, Network Platform, Platform Economics model, C2B





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