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A公司專業生產製造口腔衛生保健潔牙用品,經營特定市場的前二十年擁有英國I.C.I集團原廠之專利技術,獨具占有優勢,但隨著內外部環境的變化,業績逐年下滑,已不再有往昔的輝煌成績。本研究嘗試以問卷方式瞭解最根本的消費者習性與偏好,探討A公司獨特專業牙齒保健產品的定位與行銷方式,是否能夠契合消費者對產品的需求與消費行為模式。 結果發現消費者對潔牙產品、牙齒保健都非常重視,肯定了A公司的牙膏產品獨特的功能性正是消費者的主要訴求,不遜色於其他品牌。但根據問卷調查中,顯少消費者認識A公司牙膏產品,而其經營通路「 牙醫診所、單一藥局、醫院醫療保健用品 」也不是消費者習慣去購買的場所,在「價格」方面超出一般消費者可接受之範圍,一向堅持採用獨特頂級原料製造的高品質產品實無降價空間。此外,消費者最主要的訊息來源為牙科醫師專業、健康雜誌及親朋好友推薦。A公司必須確認高品質產品定位,尋求適當的行銷模式及行銷通路組合,並嘗試利用網路善用社群行銷,突破困境。建立A公司產品品牌知名度,深耕顧客,達到有效的經濟效益及企業的永續經營。
Company A is specialized in manufacturing the oral health care products and it had utilized the patented technology authorized by I.C.I group of UK to dominate the market for the first two decades. However, due to the rapid change of company and the market, its sales and market shares had been declining and decreasing over the years. This research attempted to understand consumer habits and preferences with the adoption of questionnaire survey to find out positioning and marketing approach for Company A in order to better fit consumption pattern and behavior ofthe products. The study result showed consumers were seriously concerned about the dental care and dentifrice products, which supported Company A’s specialized products were in demand. However, the survey also indicated that there were very few consumers aware of Company A’s products. The current sales channels via dentist clinic, pharmacy and hospital healthcare supplies were not effective. Furthermore, by insisting of using unique high quality raw material, its product price was far out of general consumer’s acceptance range. From this survey, we had learned that consumers’ information sources were mainly from dentists, health magazine and friends or relatives’ recommendation. In conclusion, Company A must position itself as high end professional dental care maker and seek appropriate marketing strategy models and channels such as Internet community marketing. Company A would then be able to build its reputation and brand awareness by reaching to customers in order to achieve its ultimate goals of maximizing economic benefits and sustainability.



顧客偏好, 消費者行為, 消費者購買習性, 行銷策略, Customer preferences, Consumer Behavior, Consumers purchase habits, Marketing Strategy





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