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一個字的草書寫法有很多種,為尋找其變化規律的合理解釋,本研究以《草書寫法的思考——從趙孟頫臨智永真草千文入手》為題,主要目的是就趙孟頫學習智永的變化來進行分析,吸收古人的學習經驗,設計草書單字的實際教學方式。本研究主要使用「歸納法」與「比較法」,從歷史上幾本重要具有楷草並列並陳形式的字帖文獻中《急就章》、《唐人月儀帖》、《澄清堂帖》、《淳化閣帖》, 歸納出楷書簡化為草書的規則。 楷草轉換的四種核心原則分別為「減省」、「替代」、「改變位置」、「改變順序」。「減省」是指減少「筆畫」,而非減少動作。「替代」是指以另一個「部件」或「筆畫」取代原先的字形結構。「改變位置」是指改變「部件」或「筆形」的位置。「改變位置」的定義是,不管楷草轉換時楷書「筆形」、「部件」的替代是否已經發生,只要位置被改變就屬於「改變位置」。「改變順序」是指改變「筆畫」或「筆運行」的順序。改變「筆畫」的順序是指改變筆順。 「智、趙二帖異形數量統計」指的是智永墨跡本《真草千字文》與趙孟頫《二體千字文》,「異形」指的是兩者在楷書和草書兩方面於字的形體上有相異者。在「筆形」、「部件」方面具有顯著差異者即屬於「相異」,其中也包含了「異體字」與「錯別字」。 「楷書」比較結果:「相異」佔全體的35.6%;「相同」佔全體的63.1%;「無從比較者」佔全體的1.3%。「相異」者比「相同」者多了27.5%。 「草書」「相異」佔全體的44.3%;「相同」佔全體的54.8%;「無從比較者」佔全體的0.9%。「相異」者比「相同」者多了10.5%。趙孟頫變異智永寫法可能的原因為:1. 訂正錯別字 2. 提示後來的通行字 3. 呈現書寫的變化性4. 根據小篆構字原理5. 趙孟頫一時筆誤6. 美觀因素 從趙孟頫變異智永寫法可以得到三個啟示:一、對照出草書指引教材之不足。二、草書寫法不只一種。三、草法使轉有意義,不可任意模糊。
One Chinese word may have many written variations in cursive script. In order to find the rules of the changes from regular script to cursive script, my main aim is to analyze the changes of Zhao Mengfu learns Zhi Yong. My thesis’ title is The Thoughts of the Variations of the Chinese Cursive Script, as Reflected in Zhao Mengfu Learns Zhi Yong’s Regular-Cursive-Script Thousand Character Classic. I draw the practical teaching blue map by absorbing the ancients’ learning experience. This research uses “Inductive Method” and “Comparative Method”. In order to know the rules of the changes from regular script to cursive script, I use 《急就章》jí jiù zhāng, 《唐人月儀帖》táng rén yuè yí tiè, 《澄清堂帖》Chengqingtang Tie, and《淳化閣帖》chún huà gé tiē. The four core rules are “simplify”, “replacement”, “change the place”, and “change the order”. “Simplify” is to reduce the stroke of a Chinese character, not the “movement”. “Replacement” is to use another “part of the word”, or “stroke of a Chinese character” to replace the character’s form. “Change the place” is to change the place of the part of the word, or the pen shape. “Change the order” is to change the order of the “stroke of a Chinese Character”, or “pen’s movement”. This thesis also has the statistics of the Regular-Cursive-Script Thousand Character Classic’s differences between Zhi Yong and Zhao Mengfu. “Different form” refers to different part between regular script and cursive script. “Difference” refers to the significant difference in “pen shape”, or the “part of the word”. “Difference” includes “variants”, “wrong word”, and “another word”. “Regular script”: the difference is 35.6% ; the same is 63.1% ; the non-comparison is 1.3%.“Cursive script”: the difference is 44.3% ; the same is 54.8% ; the non-comparison is 0.9%. The reason why Zhao Mengfu changed the Zhi Yong written way could be: 1.Correct the wrong word. 2.Tell the people usually used word in that period. 3.Represent the written variations. 4.Base on the 小篆xiǎo zhuàn character. 5.Zhao Mengfu’s written mistakes. 6.For the beautiful factor. I learn three things from Zhao Mengfu changed Zhi Yong written ways: 1.Represent cursive script teaching material is not satisfied. 2.A Chinese word may have more than one written way in Cursive script. 3.The strokes of a Chinese cursive script have their meanings.



草書教學, 筆形替代, 趙孟頫, 智永, 真草千字文, Cursive script teaching methods, pen shape replacement, Zhao Mengfu, Zhi Yong, Regular-Cursive-Script Thousand Character Classic

