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本研究旨在探討角色扮演法對特殊學校高職部智能障礙學生性教育自我保護教學成效。研究方法採單一受試研究法之跨行為多探試設計,研究對象為安置特殊學校高職部三名智能障礙學生。本研究之自變項為角色扮演法,依變項為三名受試之性教育自我保護教學成效,教學內容包括「分辨關係」、「分辨安全與不安全碰觸」與「分辨危險情境」等三個單元。教學介入為期七週,共計二十一次教學活動,教學介入撤除後四週進入保留期,每單元之保留期評量三次。研究工具為自編之「自我保護教學評量表」。研究結果之資料分析採視覺分析法,含曲線圖、階段內、階段間分析,並以C統計為輔助分析。 研究結果顯示:一、角色扮演法對增進三名受試之「分辨關係」正確率具有良好之立即與保留效果;二、角色扮演法對增進三名受試之「分辨安全與不安全碰觸」正確率具有良好之立即與保留效果;三、角色扮演法對增進三名受試之「分辦危險情境」正確率具有良好之立即與保留效果。 本研究並根據研究結果,提供相關建議,做為未來教學與研究參考。
The purpose of the study was to explore effects of role playing on sexuality self-protection education by secondary school students with intellectual disabilities. The multiple probe across behaviors design was employed, and participants consisted of 3 secondary school students with intellectual disabilities. Main behaviors were broken into discrimination of relationships, differentiation of safe vs. unsafe contacts, and acknowledgement of dangerous settings. The independent variable was role plays, whereas the dependent variable was teaching effects of sexuality self-protection instruction by 3 participants. Duration of instruction intervention was 7 weeks or 11 sessions, followed by 4 weeks retention in which intervention was withdrew. The self-designed inventory was used to collect data, which were analyzed in terms of visual analysis and simplified time-series analysis. Results were as follows: A.Role playing had both positive intervention and retention effects on discrimination of relationships by three participants. B.Role playing had both good intervention and retention effects on differentiation of safe vs. unsafe contacts by three participants. C.Role playing had both great intervention and retention effects on acknowledgement of dangerous settings by three participants. Based on the above findings, detail was further discussed and suggestions for future studies and instruction were proposed.



角色扮演, 特殊學校, 智能障礙, 性教育自我保護, role playing, special education school, ntellectual disabilities, sexuality self-protection education





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