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本研究運用使用後評估之方法,研究目的為評估臺北市青年公園使用者的使用行為、使用需求及使用滿意度的使用情形,另從設計者、管理者與使用者進行訪談,從研究結果發現問題,進而提出未來都市公園之研究、規劃設計及改善建議。總計發放560份,回收有效問卷383份,及5位訪談者內容,研究結果發現:本研究男女性分佈相近,發現青年公園不再是以青少年為主要人口,反而是上班族、家管者為主要使用族群,來此以當地居民居多,另有外縣市人口會偕同家人親戚及朋友同事於假日到青年公園共同活動。整體滿意度以滿意居多。不同人口背景變項在使用行為差異比較結果,教育程度、婚姻狀況及有無子女者在每週次數、使用時段、活動時間、同伴類型、個人收入差異情形,均與個人生活作息及可從事休閒活動時間有關。使用行為在使用需求及使用滿意度之差異分析,在各構面上均有不同程度的顯著差異。然使用需求與使用滿意度雖有顯著正相關,但相關度均偏低,表示部分設施已不能滿足民眾使用現況或無使用必要。其中各項設施在「心理及功能層面及運動設施需求」與「心理及功能層面及運動設施滿意度」的使用需求及使用滿意度均高,賡續維持,「社教設施需求及滿意度」 (如紀念碑、民間劇場、音樂臺、園藝展覽室、生態池) 均低於整體平均值,對此類設施應檢討有無存在必要;設計過程中,設計者、民眾及管理者之間,確有不同理念及需求,惟仍以使用者需求為主,認為管理所受限經費,忽略社教的功能及全面性考量。 針對上述結論,提出以下建議: 一、在實務建議上,加強改善「服務設施」清潔維護及加裝監視器避免安全死角發生意外、多舉辦及有效推廣社教藝文活動、自然生態池的管理方式應定期清理水質並檢測、管理單位加強設施安全維護管理,嚴格取締使用行為不當者、管理者與設計者理念有待整合、公園設計應尊重使用者。二、未來學術研究之建議:延長調查時間為一年,並找出專業人士以質性進行深入訪談;使用後評估法,適用一個建物完成1-3年後即進行評估,若時效過久,比對新舊建物需耗時進行探究;政府發包工程維管只有2年,在品質維修上較難控管,應請管理單位培養專業人才,形成專案處理公共工程,以減少國家資源浪費及無效管理。
Methods In this study, the use of the assessment study designed to evaluate the use of Taipei Youth Park user behavior, the user requirements and user satisfaction using other interviews from designers , managers and users , The results from the research found the problem , and then propose future research of urban parks , planning and design , and recommendations for improvement. Total issuance of 560 copies, 383 valid questionnaires , and five interviews were content, research results showed that: In this study, the distribution of men and women are similar, the park is no longer found in the youth population is mainly young people , but office workers , family tubes are mainly used for ethnic groups , Come here mostly to local residents, and another outside the county population will be accompanied by family members and relatives and friends and colleagues in the Youth Park Holiday common activities. Overall satisfactionwith satisfaction majority. Comparison between different demographic background variables results in the use of behavioral, educational level, marital status and whether the children were in the weekly number of hours of use, activity time, peer type, personal income disparities cases are related to personal lifestyle and can engage in leisure activities time-related. Use behavioral differences user requirements and the user satisfaction in the analysis, are significant differences in the levels of constitutive surface. However, the user requirements and user satisfaction, although a significant positive correlation, but the correlation was low, indicating that some facilities can not meet the public use or non-use of the current situation is necessary. Where the various facilities at the "psychological and functional level and sports facilities needs" and "psychological and functional level and sports facilities Satisfaction 'usage requirements and user satisfaction are high, Continuously maintain" social education facilities needs and satisfaction. " (such as monuments, folk theater, music station, gardening exhibition rooms, ecological pool) were lower than the overall average for such facilities should review whether the presence necessary; design process between designers, people and managers, there different ideas and needs, but demand is still the main users that manage the limited funds, ignoring the function of social education and comprehensive consideration. In response to these conclusions, the following recommendations: One , in practice recommendations to strengthen the improvement of \ services \ cleaning and maintenance and installation of monitor safety corners to avoid accidents , and more organized and effective promotion of social education arts activities , management of natural eco- pool water should be cleaned regularly and testing, management units to strengthen security facilities maintenance and management , strict ban improper use of actors , managers and designers of the concept to be integrated , the park should be designed to respect the user . Second, the future of academic research proposal : to extend the investigation period of one year , and find professionals to conduct in-depth qualitative interviews ; after use POE for buildings completed an assessed after 1-3 years , if the time is too long, comparing the old and new buildings to be time-consuming to explore ; government contracting works vascular only two years in the quality of maintenance is more difficult to control, management units should be invited to train professionals to form a project dealing with public works to reduce waste and ineffective management of national resources .



都市公園, 使用後評估, 使用行為, 使用需求, 使用滿意度, urban park, post-occupancy evaluation, user behavior, user requirements, user satisfaction





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