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論文摘要 本論文的研究目的,是藉由明光法師發起和參與的活動來瞭解禪的創意,及禪在生活中的應用。經由明光法師積極開朗的作為,了解出家人的入世行誼。透過實踐佛法的過程,開啟參與者的創造能量,啟發讀者、觀眾對佛門暨傳統藝術的認識;從明光法師的創作,提供大眾認識佛法現代化多元的面貌。 本論文以明光法師之教學創意為主題,將採訪明光法師的資料及收集的文獻,歸納分析整理,以事實作為依據的標準,以明光法師的創作和活動作為研究之範圍,採用生命傳記研究法,對明光法師的生平進行深度訪談,建構出明光法師創意教學理論與觀念。 明光法師之禪宗創意法門的背景,係傳承禪宗臨濟法脈和天台宗法脈。他以其管理科學的學養,透過禪特殊的教育內涵,和天台解行並重、事理圓融的教學法,以觀世音菩薩的五觀思想,開發世人菩提種子,展現創意法門福慧雙修的功能。 明光法師之禪宗創意法門的基礎,是以禪宗的「生活禪法」、「圖解禪意法」、「觀照法」等面向,及以天台宗的「法華與般若之止觀」、「觀世音菩薩之五觀」的教學特色等面向導入的禪宗創意教學法,本論文即在探討明光法師其建構的現代化禪宗思想體系,和禪宗與天台宗創意教學的綜合運用。 明光法師之禪宗創意法門有三大策略:隨機教行法、安樂行解法和觀行頓悟法。他將創意法門的策略運用於佛門和傳統節慶上,作為文化的傳承與創新;另將創意教學用在社團活動上,帶動禪宗創意法門的國際行化。 綜合以上的探討,本文論述明光法師如何將佛教禪宗和天台宗的教學與創意作聯結,賦予新的角度與意義,讓現代人了解日常生活和參與各種活動,皆是佛法的修持功夫,也是創意的生活藝術。最後本文以研究成果作一總結,並提出後續相關研究與建議。
Abstract This essay aims to understand the ch’an originality and it’s application in daily life by observing the activities initiated and participated by Ven. Ming Kuang, to understand the social involvement of sangha shown by his enthusiastic and open-minded practices, to unlock the participants’ creative energy, to increase the audience’s knowledge of Buddhism and traditional arts through the process of practicing Buddha dharma, and to enable the public to understand the pluralistic features of Buddhist modernization from his inventions. This essay uses the life biography methodology to conduct in-depth interview on Ven. Ming Kuang’s life, mainly on his teaching originality, to collect relevant literature, and to interview the participants of his programs. The focus of the study is his creations and activities. Ven. Ming Kuang’s ch’an originality comes from his lineage of the Lin Ji Ch’an School and the Tien Tai School. He integrates the management science, the special education of ch’an, and the teaching techniques of Tien Tai School which emphasizes both knowledge and practice, and amalgamates phenomena and noumenon to develop people’s bodhi seed, displaying the function of dual practice of merits and wisdom of the originality technique. Ven. Ming Kuang’s ch’an originality is based on the originality teaching methods of Ch’an School and Tien Tai School. The former school applies ch’an in daily life, diagram, and meditation while the latter school uses the concentration and insight meditations of Lotus and Prajnana Sutras, and the five visualizations of Avalokitasvara Bodhisattva. He synthesizes the both schools to construct his system of modernized Ch’an School thoughts. Ven. Ming Kuang applies the three strategies of random teaching, blissful practice, and sudden enlightenment to the Buddhist and traditional festivals for cultural heritage and creation, and to the group activities for the internationalization of ch’an originality. To sum up, inspired by the teaching methods of Ch’an School and Tien Tai School, Ven. Ming Kuang gives an originality to let people nowadays understand that daily life and participation of various activities are all practices of Buddha dharma, i.e. Buddha dharma is not apart from worldly things.



法師, 禪宗, 天台宗, 創意法門





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