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本研究主要目的以Crawford 與 Godbey (1987) 個人內在阻礙、人際間阻礙、結構性阻礙的三個阻礙因素模式分析國小學童停止參與運動代表隊之因素。本研究採個案研究法分析,選取7個來自不同的家庭背景及不同的學校校隊,參與運動代表隊一年以上,而現在是停止參與的個案。研究範圍以行政院體委會「挑戰2008-黃金計畫」奧運儲訓項目,且目前國小有發展之運動團隊。以半結構之「訪談大綱」方式進行深入訪談這些停止參與運動代表隊的選手,期能了解這些小選手停止參與運動代表隊之阻礙因素。研究結果發現:一、在個人內在阻礙部分,因訓練分量重與時間長,造成學童缺乏興趣、角色衝突與厭倦的產生;二、在人際間阻礙因素,以父母親的反對阻力最大,其次是班級導師反對;三、在結構性阻礙因素,則是因補習而缺乏練習時間、課業壓力與運動生涯問題,困擾著小選手;四、社會經濟不景氣,家庭經濟問題也影響到兒童參與運動代表隊之阻礙因素之一。建議政府相關機關能提升運動員的社會地位,協助解決運動生涯問題;在學校方面,組訓不應犧牲其他課程,進而協助這些小選手排除課業與導師的阻礙因素;在教練部分,訓練應重質不重量、並在課業上能協助督導完成;對學童父母的建議,則希望能認同運動的價值,讓孩子能適性、多元發展自己的興趣,努力逐夢,實踐自己的理想。
This study aimed to analyze the factors contributing to elementary school students’ quitting school athletic team. It was based on the constraints model, intrapersonal constraints, interpersonal constraints and structural constraints, developed by Crawfod and Godbey(1987). This study was a case study. There were seven cases from different families and schools but had stopped attending school athletic teams. The sports in this study were selected from the preliminary sports of Olympic Games in “Challenge 2008- Gold Plan” supported by Sports Affairs Council, Executive Yuan of Taiwan. The research investigated the causes of students’ abortion of school athletic team by interviewing subjects according to semi-structure interview outlines. The results indicated that: (1) the intrapersonal constrains were losing interests , role-conflict and getting tired. They came fromthe extended and heavy training; (2) As for the interpersonal constraints, the objections from their parents were the major reason. The second was their class teachers’ objections; (3) Regarding structural constraints, the students were disturbed by no time to practice after their cram school, study-pressure, and the career of being an athlete; (4) social economic recession and lack of financial resources mainly accounted for the constraints. It was suggested that the government should promote athletes’ social status to ease the anxiety about their athletic career; school authorities should make sure the team training wouldn’t crowd other courses out to help the students moved the constrains about the teacher and studying; their coaches should put emphasis on the quality of the training but quantity. Besides they could assist with the students in their studying. Last suggestion was hoping students’ parents agreed the value of sports more , then let their children develop their interest variedly, strive to make their dreams come true and fulfill their goals.
This study aimed to analyze the factors contributing to elementary school students’ quitting school athletic team. It was based on the constraints model, intrapersonal constraints, interpersonal constraints and structural constraints, developed by Crawfod and Godbey(1987). This study was a case study. There were seven cases from different families and schools but had stopped attending school athletic teams. The sports in this study were selected from the preliminary sports of Olympic Games in “Challenge 2008- Gold Plan” supported by Sports Affairs Council, Executive Yuan of Taiwan. The research investigated the causes of students’ abortion of school athletic team by interviewing subjects according to semi-structure interview outlines. The results indicated that: (1) the intrapersonal constrains were losing interests , role-conflict and getting tired. They came fromthe extended and heavy training; (2) As for the interpersonal constraints, the objections from their parents were the major reason. The second was their class teachers’ objections; (3) Regarding structural constraints, the students were disturbed by no time to practice after their cram school, study-pressure, and the career of being an athlete; (4) social economic recession and lack of financial resources mainly accounted for the constraints. It was suggested that the government should promote athletes’ social status to ease the anxiety about their athletic career; school authorities should make sure the team training wouldn’t crowd other courses out to help the students moved the constrains about the teacher and studying; their coaches should put emphasis on the quality of the training but quantity. Besides they could assist with the students in their studying. Last suggestion was hoping students’ parents agreed the value of sports more , then let their children develop their interest variedly, strive to make their dreams come true and fulfill their goals.
運動代表隊, 阻礙理論, Athletic Team, Constraints Theory