Teaching Early Numeracy to Children with Special Educational Needs (TEN-SEN)教材改編與實施對臺灣自閉症幼兒一對一數數之學習成效

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一對一數數對於自閉症幼兒相當重要是數量的概念,更是數學學習能力的基礎。國內教導自閉症幼兒的數學教材與相關研究付之闕如,而國外教材Teaching Early Numeracy to children with Special Educational Needs(TEN-SEN)已具有實證基礎,適用於自閉症及特殊需求的學生。本研究探究TEN-SEN改編教材的實施對於臺灣自閉症幼兒數量概念中的一對一數數能力是否有提升情況。本研究以三位4至6歲自閉症幼兒為研究對象,採用單一受試研究之跨受試者多基線設計,自變項為(TEN-SEN)改編教材,依變項為代表學生學習進步成效的學習階段,與一對一數數步驟達成百分比,以視覺分析法分析研究結果。本研究信效度良好。研究結果顯示TEN-SEN改編教材與學生的學習階段有建立穩定功能關係,但在步驟達成百分比只有兩位學生有成效。本研究分析錯誤類型後可分為14種。TEN-SEN改編教材在台灣執行中,從社會效度發現再度強調了偏好物在教學中以及一對一數數的重要性,建議未來在收案條件限制要較為嚴格,真確性檢核表設計可以更加完善。
Numeracy concept is the foundation of mathematics learning ability, and it is very critical to all children including those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Due to the lack of mathematics curriculum for teaching children with ASD in Taiwan, the author adapted empirically supported foreign material “Teaching Numeracy to Children with Special Educational Needs (TEN-SEN)” which was suitable for students with ASD and special needs. In this study, the author investigated the effects of TEN-SEN to teach young children with ASD in Taiwan. Three participants with ASD aged from 4 to 6 were recruited. A single case multiple-baseline-across-participants-design was adopted. The independent variable was the adapted material TEN-SEN, and dependent variables were the learning stages representing one-to-one counting learning ability and accuracy percentage of one-to-one numeracy count steps. The author analyzed the results via visual analysis.The reliability and validity of this study were good. The results of the study showed that a stable functional relation was established between the TEN-SEN and learning stages. However, there were only two students achieved the mastery level of accuracy percentage of steps. Analyzed the types of errors in this study, which can be divided into 14 types.Social validity of TEN-SEN in Taiwan results re-emphasized the importance of incorporating reinforcer and one-to-one counting in teaching. This study suggested that the inclusion criteria of participants should be stricter and the design of fidelity check list should be more in detail.



一對一數數, 自閉症, 數量, Teaching Early Numeracy to Children with Special Educational Needs (TEN-SEN), Teaching Early Numeracy to Children with Special Educational Needs (TEN-SEN), autism, mathematics, one-to-one numeracy concept





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