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  Before the May-Fourth Movement in 1919, China saw the emergence of nine Chinese translations of Les Misérables stories (including Les Misérables, Claude Gueux, and "L'Origine de Fantine"). This dissertation seeks to trace the sources of the nine Chinese texts. The source-tracing is conducted with the help of the background information of the translators and the content of their translations. If the background of a translator is not known, intertextual investigation will be solely relied on. In determining the source of a Chinese text, this study juxtaposes different versions of the same story, including Chinese, Japanese, English, and the French ones, and pins down the specific source text used by the Chinese translator by sorting out the genealogical relationship among the cross-lingual texts. If the source text cannot be ascertained, then effort is made to judge the probable language from which the Chinese version is derived. The results of the present source-tracing reveal that the Chinese versions before 1919 are translated mostly from English versions, that Japanese versions are the second most used intermediary texts in China, and that Hugo's French originals are the least adopted sources. Hence, English and Japanese versions, especially the English ones, play an important role in the dissemination of Les Misérables stories. Moreover, abridged versions account for a considerable proportion in the book market, whether in French, English, Japanese, or Chinese. Some Chinese texts are derived from a shortened version in another language; and all the Japanese and Chinese versions are partial rather than complete translations. Thus bowdlerized versions are the major contributor to the early introduction of Les Misérables stories to China. Finally, the present source-tracing also identifies an intriguing relaying in the translations, not only across the different languages (as from French, through English and Japanese, to Chinese), but also within a specific language (such as the relaying within versions in English and Chinese respectively), a significant phenomenon in the history of relay translation.



跨文本比較, 系譜研究, 文本細讀, 接力翻譯(重譯), 雨果, 悲慘世界, 克羅德‧葛, 芳婷之源, 魯迅, 蘇曼殊, 黑石, 周作人, 陳景韓, 解吾, 孝宗, 雪生, 哀塵, 慘社會, 慘世界, 天鷚兒, 孤兒記, 孤星淚, 逸犯, 天民淚, 怪客, 縲紲盟心, 森田思軒, 黒岩淚香, 原抱一庵, 田山花袋, intertextual comparison and contrast, genealogical study, close reading, relay translation, Victor Hugo, Les Misérables, Claude Gueux, L'Origine de Fantine, Lu Xun, Su Manshu, Hei Shi, Zhou Zuoren, Chen Jinghan, Xie Wu, Xiao Zong, Xue Sheng, Aichen, Can Shehui, Can Shijie, Tian Liu Er, Guer Ji, Guxing Lei, Yifan, Tianmin Lei, Guai Ke, Leixie Mengxin, Morita Shiken, Kuroiwa Ruikou, Hara Houitsuan, Tayama Katai





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