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本研究之目的是探究創意教學活動課程對提升國小學童在語文創造力與溝通表達能力的成效,創意教學活動課程是以「創造力思考策略:心智圖法」與戲劇表演融入語文領域教學,實驗階段總共進行十週,共二十堂課,以桃園市某一國小四年級普通班學生作為研究對象。本研究主要採用不等組前、後測實驗設計,分為實驗組與控制組,藉由讓實驗組學童在語文課程中採用「創造力思考策略:心智圖」討論成語戲劇情境,並請學生進行戲劇表演。控制組則進行正常課程。本研究是以「新編語文創造力量表」(吳靜吉等人修訂,1992)以及「溝通表達行為評定量表」(改編自石兆蓮,2002)作為評量工具,評量所得資料會以「獨立樣本單因子共變數分析」進行統計考驗。另外,在實驗階段會加入訪談、照片、錄影以及學習回饋單作為質性資料的蒐集,以利本研究結果之歸納和分析。本研究結果如下: (1)創意教學活動課程對實驗組與控制組學童在「語文流暢力」、「語文變通力」及「語文獨創力」上有顯著的差異。 (2)創意教學活動課程對實驗組與控制組學童在「接受訊息」上有顯著的差異。 (3)創意教學活動課程對實驗組與控制組學童在「回應訊息」上有顯著的差異。 (4)創意教學活動課程對實驗組與控制組學童在「口語表達」上有顯著的差異。 (5)創意教學活動課程對實驗組與控制組學童在「互動溝通」上無顯著的差異。 基於研究的成果,本研究針對創意教學之教學應用與未來研究提出相關建議。
The purpose of the study is to explore the influence of Creative Teaching Activities on children’s abilities in creativity and communication and expression.A total of forty students in the forth grade participated in the experiment for ten weeks.The method of the research included a pre-test/post-test nonquivalent-control group design with qualitative data collection.Two classes were selceted in Elementary School.” Creative Teaching Activities”designed by the researcher was used as the curriculum for the experimental group,on the other hand ,regular learning methodologies and materials were used by the control group.The creativity scale (Wu Jingji, Kao Chuan Feng and Ting Cheng Hsiang, 1992) and communication and expression scale(adapted from Shih Chao Lien, 2002) were used to evaluate the subjects before and after the experiment.The results of the measurement are analyzed through the SPSS 22.0 statistic program.In addition,the researcher collected qualitative analysis from the experiment,such as interviews,class observations and feedbacks of the control groups. The conclusions of this research can be described as follows: (1)There is a sinificant difference between the nonquivalent group and the control group in”fluency”,”flexibility” and “originality “through the creative teaching activities . (2) There is a sinificant difference between the nonquivalent group and the control group in “accepting messages“through the creative teaching activities . (3) There is a sinificant difference between the nonquivalent group and the control group in “answering messages“through the creative teaching activities . (4) There is a sinificant difference between the nonquivalent group and the control group in “oral expressing“through the creative teaching activities . (5) There is no sinificant difference between the nonquivalent group and the control group in “interactive communication“through the creative teaching activities . Based on the results of the study,the relevant suggestions about the creative teaching and the future research in the area of creativity and communication and expression abilities were provided. Key Words: creativity, creative teaching activities, communication and expression abilities



創造力, 創意教學, 溝通表達能力, creativity, creative teaching activities, communication and expression





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