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殷海光是台灣民主反對運動一位極具象徵意義的典範人物,為了追求「民主」與「科學」的啟蒙理想,半生志業投注於西方自由主義理論與實證哲學的引介之上。現有研究多半是以他作為民主鬥士、自由主義者、思想啟蒙家、哲學工作者的角度,去探究其生平事蹟、思想內涵及歷史地位,但他譯介西方學說,並有重要代表譯作傳世的事實,卻少有深入研究。本文之寫作即在填補這塊研究空白,從翻譯研究出發,檢視殷海光作為一位譯者的成就與貢獻,並分別就其翻譯思想與實踐,分析他如何透過翻譯回應時代的需求,將翻譯作為其論述體系的一環,支持啟蒙工作。殷海光翻譯特殊之處在於他作為譯者在其所處時空下的選擇,早期他也是跟隨時尚,以直譯原則來處理譯材,但在流亡來台後,因為心境和政治環境的轉變,使他看待翻譯的態度有所變化。在強烈啟蒙動機的驅使之下,他採取晚清前輩譯者的譯述手段,在五〇年代的台灣產出一篇篇充滿個人色彩與關懷,既似「讀書筆記」又似「啟蒙講義」的譯作。無論是在翻譯策略、翻譯方法或翻譯題材的選擇上、殷海光在在展現出譯者作為知識引介者的強大能動性。 綜而言之,殷海光譯了些什麼,如何譯,以及為何而譯,構成本研究的核心問題。這樣的研究一方面在協助建構台灣翻譯史的一小片段;另一方面則是在現有研究之外,提供另一個思考殷海光遺產的角度。
Yin Hai-kuong was a pioneer in the struggle for democracy in Taiwan. He had advocated for "democracy" and "science" by translating and introducing western liberalism and logical positivism for more than twenty years. His achievements as a democracy fighter, a liberalist, an enlightenment thinker and a philosopher have drawn considerable attentions from the academic community. However, most of his evaluators or researchers ignore or neglect his role as a translator and the fact that he translated over one million words from English into Chinese, some of which were hugely influential to society. The purpose of this thesis is to compensate the deficiency. From the point of view of translation studies, this paper will review Yin’s contribution and accomplishments as a translator, and reveal how he responded to the need of time in translation. Yin produced translations in a way which went against the translational norms of his time. He manipulated the originals he worked with to some extent, usually to make them fit in with his personal ideology and goal of enlightenment. His translations, as a kind of rewriting, embodied an enlightenment thinker’s intentions and expectations, making them by no means as transparent as glass. From the strategies, methods and materials Yin chose to translate, we see how a translator shows his agency during the process of knowledge introducing. To sum up, the main concern of this paper will be what, how and why Yin translated. The aim is to contribute to the construction of a translation history in Taiwan and to provide a new perspective to think about Yin’s legacy.



殷海光, 啟蒙, 到奴役之路, 譯者研究, Yin Hai-Kuong, enlightenment, the Road to Serfdom, translator study

