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摘要 本研究目的在探討亞洲地區競賽性木球場使用者背景變項與滿意度,以及亞洲地區馬來西亞蘭竹渡假村、日本福島市Azuma運動公園、新加坡金文泰公園、國立臺北護理學院等四座競賽性木球場使用者滿意度之比較。研究對象為亞洲各國選手,並以『木球場使用者滿意度』量表為研究工具進行問卷調查,問卷共計發放253份,有效樣本計217份。資料處理以SPSS 12.0版進行描述性統計、t-考驗及單因子變異數分析。研究結果發現: 一、 亞洲地區競賽性木球場使用者以男性、61歲以上、已婚者、軍公教、高中以上教育程度、月平均收入1,000美元以下、木球球齡1~3年為主。使用者滿意度男性高於女性、已婚者高於未婚者,此外使用者滿度分別以31~40歲、工人、國中學歷、月平均收入2,000~2,500美元、木球球齡7~9年為最高。而不同婚姻狀況使用者的滿意度具有顯著差異。 二、 木球場使用者滿意度以日本福島市Azuma運動公園為最高,其次依序是馬來西亞蘭竹渡假村、新加坡金文泰公園,以及國立臺北護理學院。而各木球場使用者滿意度間具有顯著差異。 本研究為首篇關於木球場之滿意度調查,根據研究結果提出相關建議,做為未來後續研究之參考,建議說明如下: 未來相關研究可擴大調查範圍,並可針對非競賽性木球場進行研究。此外,本研究可能未包含其他可能影響使用者滿意度之因素,日後學者可增加適合木球場使用者滿意度之調查構面。最後,建議未來研究能針對同一批受測者進行不同場地使用者的滿意度研究,以求得更符合當時實際木球場使用者滿意度現況的研究結果。
Abstract The purposes of this study were to comprehend the population variables and satisfaction of users on Competitive Woodball Courses in Asia. Moreover, the consumers’ satisfaction of competitive Woodball courses of Lanjut Resort, Malaysia, Azuma Sports Park, Fukushima, Japan, Clementi Woods Park, Singapore, and National Taipei College of Nursing, Taiwan. The research subjects were the Woodball players of Asia, and the questionnaire "Consumers’ Satisfaction with the Woodball Courses" was used as a research survey instrument. Among the 253 questionnaires, 217 samples are valid. The data were analyzed by t-test and One-way ANOVA with SPSS 12.0. The result shows: 1. The major players of Asia Competitive Woodball Courses were males, over 61 years old, married, governmental staffs, education level above senior high school, monthly income average under USD 1,000, and 1~3 years of Woodball experience. Consumers’ satisfaction of male and married players was higher than female and unmarried ones. The highest satisfaction of players were 31~40 years old, workers, education level with junior high school, monthly income average between USD 2,000~2,500, 7~9 years of Woodball experience. The satisfaction of players with different marriage status was significant. 2. The satisfaction of players in Azuma Sports Park, Fukushima, Japan was the highest, and others were Lanjut Resort, Malaysia, Clementi Woods Park, Singapore, and National Taipei College of Nursing, Taiwan. The consumers’ satisfaction of different Woodball courses was significant. This research was the first satisfaction study of Woodball courses, and the following suggestions were inferred from this research results: The study was limited in competition Woodball courses future researchers may enlarge the research fields, especially the non-competitive Woodball courses. Moreover, this research might not include other factors that affect the satisfaction of players. Future studiers could increase the satisfaction investigation of Woodball courses. Finally, future researchers might study on the same players with different Woodball courses to better the research results of satisfaction of Wodball players.



競賽性木球場, 使用者滿意度, competitive Woodball course, consumers’ satisfaction

