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近年來臺灣壽險業成長快速,在國內壽險業整體資產總額佔國內金融機構整體資產總額比重逐年升高下,壽險業在國內金融市場重要性已與日俱增,而如何將這些龐大資金去做最妥適的運用,以創造最有價值、效率、安全且穩定的收益來源,則是目前所有業者最重要的課題之ㄧ。 然而處在長期低利環境以及政府政策偏向以公平正義及社會觀感為導向下,無疑得讓壽險業原本就不算寬敞的資產配置渠道顯得更加狹窄,並使得利差損問題更加棘手,因此保險業過去所仰賴的傳統獲利模式與資產配置管道,將需隨著當下經濟面及政策面做些適時的因應及調整。 本文係採實務與理論並行方式,遵循主管機關頒布法令規範及產業相關文獻以作為本論文中心研究主軸,輔以臺灣人壽保險(股)公司多年從事擔保性放款業務所面臨之問題及挑戰,透過SWOT分析經營策略及操作方式論述壽險業進入該市場之競爭力分析,以作為同業及後進者進入放款市場之參考。 本論文總結認為,壽險業從事擔保性放款具有資金來源穩健、流動性佳、商情來源廣泛、不動產貸放市場可貸放金額受限較小等特性,若能輔以導入高差異化產品,除可貢獻保險業者穩定之利息收益來源外,亦能透過放款平臺整合集團各項資源業務,創造綜效,另建議欲從事擔保性放款業務之壽險同業需重視專業人才招募及培育,並透過適當的獎懲制度及完善的審查、內控機制,將可兼顧該業務擴展與風險控管,以發揮此項業務既安全又穩定的收益特性。
Taiwanese life insurance industry is growing rapidly in recent years. The proportion of the country's total asset of life insurance industry account for the country's total asset of financial institution is increasing year after year, life insurance industry become more and more important in the financial market. How to use these large amounts of money appropriately to create the most valuable, the most efficient, the safest and the most stable resource of revenue has become one of the most significant studies. However, be in the low interest rate environment for a long time and the government policies are inclined to justice and public perception, undoubtedly make the already not spacious asset allocation range even narrower and enhance the negative interest spread issue. Therefore, the traditional earning profit practice and asset allocated method that the insurance industry used to rely on will need to adjust timely according to the current policy and economic. By reviewing laws passed by related commission and studies conducted by analysts, I conducted this study in both theoretical way and practical way. Depending on the problems solved by loan servicing department of Taiwan Life Insurance Co., Ltd, the results of this study can serve as a reference for the insurance companies when they want to provide loan service by performing SWOT analysis. This study concludes that the advantage of lending business is not only able to have reliable income, also can integrate the variety sources and cross business areas under the cooperating business. Lastly, from this study, it also recommends to those who want to provide Loan service to pay attention on: 1) Human capital development on the professional talent cultivation and habit, 2) Establishing professional industry Trial Division system, and 3) Risk management after extend credit to minimum the delay risk, making loans to their secure and stable benefit.



壽險業, 擔保性放款, Life insurance industry, Loan





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