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目的:以移動平台量化剪力避震效果,探討不同剪力避震勁度條件 對地面反作用力與下肢動力學的影響,進一步找出最合適的剪力避震勁 度,評估最佳化剪力避震模式,以達到最佳剪力避震效果。實驗方法: 以十二位健康大專男性為受試者(身高:173.3±2.5 公分,體重:67.1±7.2 公斤,年齡:23.2±1.3 歲),實驗控制三種步態速度與五種移動平台狀況 來進行實驗,探討水平地面反作用力與下肢動力學相關參數。第二階段 實驗利用改良式鞋底的方式,仿造移動平台勁度條件,相同進行水平地 面反作用力與下肢動力學相關參數的分析。統計方式以二因子混合設計 變異數分析,比較不同速度與不同平台組合之間的差異,各顯著水準均 定為 α=.05。結果:適當的勁度條件能延遲水平剪力的第一力量峰值發生 時間,能降低負荷率的大小。適當範圍的移動量不會影響下肢角度的變 化,而隨著增加移動量,能夠減小最大關節力矩,但過多移動量也會增 加關節的負荷。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the different conditions on the stiffness of mobile platform to determine the ideal stiffness which can postpone the occurrence of impact and reduce the horizontal forces. Methods: Twelve healthy male participants (age: 23.2±1.3 years, height: 173.3±2.5 cm, weight: 67.1±7.2 kg) were volunteered for this study. In the first stage, each participant was asked to perform walking (1.5 ± 0.2 ms-1), jogging (2.5 ± 0.2 ms-1) and running (3.5 ± 0.2 ms-1) on five different mobile platform conditions in randomized sequence. Lower extremity kinematics and kinetics were calculated in this study. Two-way mixed design ANOVA was used to do the statistical analysis, the significant level was set α=.05. In the second stage, the appropriate stiffness conditions were placed on the sole to observe the shear cushioning effect in real situation. Results: Appropriate stiffness of mobile platform could provide better horizontal cushion and reduce lower extremity joint loading, but not to affect the lower limbs joint angle. Conclusions: To apply our findings on real situation, we can provide appropriate stiffness in different gait situations to raise the effect of shear cushioning.



地面反作用力, 負荷率, 關節力矩, 關節角度, Ground reaction forces, loading rate, joint moments, joint angle

