參加 2021 年世界射箭錦標賽之自我敘說

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世界射箭錦標賽為國際射箭總會(World Archery)所舉辦之最頂尖賽事,研究者首次當選成人國家隊便順利斬獲銅牌。研究目的:透過整理研究者自身首次當選成人國家隊之心路歷程,包含選拔、訓練、比賽及反思等過程,提供自己與有需求的選手及教練深入瞭解射箭比賽的實際情形,也能提供遇到類似情境的教練或選手,做為日後訓練及比賽的參考。研究方法:本研究以自我敘說方式呈現,透過蒐集訓練計畫、個人訓練課表、訓練日誌、報章雜誌、比賽照片及影片等相關田野資料等,對整體參賽過程做深入的探析。研究發現:研究者在面臨狀態起伏時,透過隊友與教練間的溝通,有助於調整狀態並扭轉當下局勢。射箭運動的比賽中,每一支箭至關重要,稍有不慎便可能成整個局勢扭轉,在訓練之餘學習有助於選手將所吸收知識轉移至賽場上,使自身即使面臨高壓比賽也能沉著冷靜的面對。研究者初次踏上國際舞臺,訓練調整過程盡力而為,感謝帶隊教練、大學老師與隊友的同心齊力愛護下,得以在此屆世界射箭錦標賽平2007年及2015年我國最佳成績,獲得男子團體銅牌。
The World Archery Championships, organized by the World Archery Federation, is the most prestigious event in archery. The researcher, who was selected for the adult national team for the first time, successfully won a bronze medal. Research purpose: By recounting the researcher's journey of being selected for the adult national team, including the processes of selection, training, competition, and reflection, this study aims to provide insight into the actual situation of archery competitions for oneself and other athletes and coaches in need. It also serves as a reference for coaches or athletes facing similar situations in their future training and competitions. Research method: This study adopts a self-narrative approach, analyzing the entire participation processby collecting relevant field data, such as training plans, personal training schedules, training logs, newspaper and magazine articles, competition photos, and videos. Research findings: When facing fluctuations in performance, the researcher found that communication with teammates and coaches helped in adjusting their state of mind and turning the situation around. In archery competitions, every arrow was crucial, as a slight mistake could drastically change the outcome. Through training and learning, athletes can transfer the absorbed knowledge to the competition field, enabling them to remain composed and calm even under high-pressure situations. As the researcher stepped onto the international stage for the first time, with efforts made during the training and adjustment process, and with the collective support and care from the coaching staff, university teachers, and teammates, they were able to achieve the best performance for our country in the men's team event since 2007 and 2015, earning a bronze medal in the current edition of the World Archery Championships.



世界射箭錦標賽, 競技運動, 心路歷程, 競賽策略, World Archery Championships, athletics, mental journey, competition strategy

