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本研究目的以2006年杜哈亞運中華台北女子排球隊與2014年仁川亞運中華女子排球隊所有對戰球隊場次其各項得分技術及比賽勝率進行統計分析,主要探討2006年與2014年亞運中華女子排球隊所有對戰球隊場次所有對戰球隊各場次之四項得分技術之高低排序與所有對戰球隊場次所有對戰球隊各場次之四項得分技術與比賽成績之關聯程度。研究方法利用灰色關聯分析系統進行深入相關分析研究,求得四項得分技術與比賽勝率間關聯程度,研究結果顯示,在2006年杜哈亞運中華台北女子排球隊所有對戰場次其四項得分技術與勝率之間皆達 r>0.5 以上之相關,若依其大小順序排列,分別為:扣球得分(r1=0.86)、對方失誤得分(r4=0.83)、攔網得分(r2=0.73)、發球得分(r3=0.57),2014 年仁川亞運中華台北女子排球隊所有對戰場次其四項得分技,分別為:扣球得分(r1=0.70)、對方失誤得分(r4=0.62)、攔網得分(r2=0.47)、發球得分(r3=0.58)。
The purpose of this study is to analyze the winning rates and individual technical scoring techniques from the 2006 and 2014 volleyball women Asian games. The study is based on Grey relational analysis to analyze association between four scoring skills and winning percentage. From the primary study data, the R values of 2006 Chinese Taipei women’s volleyball games including spike (r1 = 0.86), opponent error (r4 = 0.83 ) , block (r2 = 0.73), serve (r3 = 0.57) were more than 0.5. However, the winning rates and the scores from all the games during 2014 volleyball women Asian games were spike (r1 = 0.70), opponent error (r4 = 0.62 ) , block (r2 = 0.47), serve (r3 = 0.58). From results of the study, block and serve were the lowest among the four scoring skills both in the 2006 and 2014 games. In order to balance Chinese Taipei Women’s volleyball scoring techniques. As a result, in order to increase winning percentage, priority should strengthen the block height and diverse serving techniques, as well as stability of basic skills to decrease occurrence of errors.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the winning rates and individual technical scoring techniques from the 2006 and 2014 volleyball women Asian games. The study is based on Grey relational analysis to analyze association between four scoring skills and winning percentage. From the primary study data, the R values of 2006 Chinese Taipei women’s volleyball games including spike (r1 = 0.86), opponent error (r4 = 0.83 ) , block (r2 = 0.73), serve (r3 = 0.57) were more than 0.5. However, the winning rates and the scores from all the games during 2014 volleyball women Asian games were spike (r1 = 0.70), opponent error (r4 = 0.62 ) , block (r2 = 0.47), serve (r3 = 0.58). From results of the study, block and serve were the lowest among the four scoring skills both in the 2006 and 2014 games. In order to balance Chinese Taipei Women’s volleyball scoring techniques. As a result, in order to increase winning percentage, priority should strengthen the block height and diverse serving techniques, as well as stability of basic skills to decrease occurrence of errors.
排球, 得分因素, 灰色闗聯分析, Volleyball, Scoring Skills, Grey Relational Analysis