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本研究旨在探討國民中學校長知識領導與教師專業學習社群運作之現況,並了解不同背景變項之國民中學教育人員知覺的校長知識領導與教師專業學習社群運作之差異情形,與探討兩者之間的關係。最後,提出建議供教育主管行政機關、學校單位的教育工作者,及後續研究者參考。 本研究是以參加教育部100年教師專業發展評鑑下子計畫之教師專業學習社群的國民中學教育人員,採取問卷調查法,編製「國民中學校長知識領導與教師專業學習社群運作調查問卷」為研究工具進行抽樣調查。共抽取60 所學校,發放420 份正式問卷,有效問卷為407 份,有效問卷回收率91.67%。調查所得資料,以百分比次數分配、平均數、標準差、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關及多元迴歸等統計方法,進行資料分析。根據研究結果,獲得以下結論: 壹、國民中學教育人員對校長知識領導現況知覺情形為「中高程度」,但建立回饋機制細項有待加強。 貳、國民中學男性、碩士學歷、擔任主任職的教育人員對校長知識領導的知覺程度較高。 參、國民中學學校規模在13~48班、學校歷史為21~30年、41年以上的教育人員對校長知識領導的知覺程度較高。 肆、國民中學教育人員對教師專業學習社群運作現況知覺情形為「中高程度」,但建立共同願景部分有待加強。 伍、國民中學教育人員對教師專業學習社群的知覺情形趨於一致。 陸、校長知識領導與教師專業學習社群運作之間有顯著正相關。 柒、國民中學校長知識領導整體及各層面對教師專業學習社群運作,具有解釋力,尤以「建立評估回饋機制」對教師專業學習社群運作解釋力最高。
This study aims to survey the current situation of principals knowledge leadership and teachers professional learning community operation of junior high schools, meanwhile, it also aimed at analyzing the differences of teachers’perception on principals knowledge leadership and teachers professional learning community from various personal background and school environment variables, and to explore the relationship between principals knowledge leadership and teachers professional learning community, and to offer suggestions to the relevant organizations and people for reference finally. This research method is mainly a questionnaire survey. Stratified Random Sampling method was adapted to sample 420 teachers from 60 junior schools, and 407 of them are considered valid, which is 91.67%. With the application of software of SPSS 17.0 for wimdows, the sampling is analyzed with t-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffé procedure, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression. The main findings are as follows: 1. The current situation of junior school teachers’ perception of principals knowledge leadership was “above average”,but establishment of assess and feedback mechanism needs to be strengthened. 2. There was significant difference in junior school teachers’ perception on principles knowledge leadership in terms of different teacher’s gender, position and highest degree. 3. There was significant difference in junior school teachers’ perception on principles knowledge leadership in terms of different school history and school scale. 4. The current situation of junior school teachers’ perception of professional learning community operational was “above average”, but establishment of a common vision needs to be strengthened. 5.In school teachers professional learning community operational, the perception of educators of junior high schools was not significantly different. 6. There was high significantly positive correlation between principals knowledge leadership and teachers professional learning community operational. 7.The predictability was existed in principals knowledge leadership to teachers professional learning community operation of junior high schools. Particularly, establishment of assess and feedback mechanism was relatively highest.



校長知識領導, 教師專業學習社群運作, principals knowledge leadership, teachers professional learning community operation

