
dc.contributorSher, Yung-Jien_US
dc.contributor.authorHu, Yi-Hsinen_US
dc.description.abstract臺北市自102學年度後修訂學校中特殊教育相關專業團隊之服務規範,故本研究旨在探討臺北市特殊教育相關專業團隊人員提供服務之現況與困擾,並分析不同背景之特殊教育相關專業團隊人員在現況及困擾之差異,藉以了解明訂規範後現場工作者之執行現況與所遇難題。 研究方法採問卷調查法進行,以研究者自編之「臺北市特殊教育相關專業團隊治療師服務現況調查問卷」為工具,研究對象為102學年度後曾提供臺北市特殊教育相關專業團隊服務之相關專業團隊人員。本研究共發出問卷145份,回收問卷116份,問卷回收率達80%。 回收資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、效果量等統計方法進行處理,得知臺北市特殊教育相關專業團隊人員在整體「相關專業團隊服務現況」與臺北市訂定之相關規範屬於高符合;而在整體「相關專業團隊服務困擾」上屬於低困擾。比較不同背景之治療師後發現,年資深之治療師在「相關專業團隊服務現況」中「專團服務與規範」向度上較年資淺之治療師符合,而年資深之治療師在整體「相關專業團隊服務困擾」上較年資淺之治療師感到更為困擾;而對不同專業類別之治療師而言,物理治療師在整體「相關專業團隊服務現況」上較語言治療師來得符合,在「相關專業團隊服務困擾」中的「專團服務與規範」向度上,物理治療師較職能治療師感到困擾;在「相關專業團隊服務困擾」中的「專團服務與規範」向度上,語言治療師較職能治療師感到困擾;在「相關專業團隊服務困擾」中的「專團親師協助情形」向度上,語言治療師較物理治療師、職能治療師感到更為困擾;語言治療師在整體「相關專業團隊服務困擾」上較物理治療師、職能治療師感到更為困擾。 根據上述結論,提出相關建議,做為後續特殊教育相關專業團隊人員及未來研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince 2013, the Taipei City Government has issued the revised regulations on the related services for the special education collaborative team in schools in Taipei City. On this account, in this study, the author attempted to explore the current status and dilemmas of the related services professionals in the special education collaborative team in Taipei City, as well as to analyze the differences in current status and dilemmas faced by these therapists with different backgrounds in order to clarify the implementation status and difficulties encountered by the field workers after the regulations came into force. In this study, the questionnaire survey method was used with the author’s self-made “Questionnaire on the Current Status of the Therapists in the Special Education Collaborative team in Taipei City”. Participants were recruited among the professionals in the special education collaborative team in Taipei City who provided related services since 2013. In total, 145 questionnaires were sent and 116 valid questionnaires were returned, yielding a response rate of 80%. The collected data were processed using statistical methods, such as frequency distribution, percentage, average, standard deviation, and effect quantity. From the results, the following conclusions were summarized: 1) As the whole, the professionals in the special education collaborative teams in Taipei City showed a high degree of conformity to the regulations issued by the Taipei City Government on the “Current Status of Collaborative Team Services” and a low degree of imposition on the “Dilemmas of Collaborative Team Services”. 2) After comparing therapists with different backgrounds, it was found that compared to junior therapists, senior therapists showed a higher degree of conformity on the “Collaborative Team Services and Regulations” under the “Current Status of Collaborative Team Services” and a higher degree of imposition on the overall “Dilemmas of Collaborative Team Services”. 3) For therapists of different professional categories, physical therapists showed a higher degree of conformity on the “Current Status of Collaborative Team Services” than speech therapists and a higher degree of imposition on the “Collaborative Team Services and Regulations” under the “Dilemmas of Collaborative Team Services” than occupational therapists. For speech therapists, they showed a higher degree of imposition on the “Collaborative Team Services and Regulations” under the “Dilemmas of Collaborative Team Services” than occupational therapists, and also a higher degree of imposition on the “Parent-Teacher Assistance from Collaborative Team Services” under the “Dilemmas of Collaborative Team Services” than both physical therapists and occupational therapists. As a whole, speech therapists showed a higher degree of imposition on the “Dilemmas of Collaborative Team Services” than both physical therapists and occupational therapists. According to the findings, the recommendations to future studies and implementations were made.en_US
dc.subjectspecial educationen_US
dc.subjectrelated serviceen_US
dc.subjectcollaborative teamen_US
dc.subjectquestionnaire surveyen_US
dc.titleAn Investigation on Current Service Status and Dilemmas of the Therapists in Special Education Related Services of Taipei Cityen_US


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