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2010年6月在溫布頓(Wimbledon)打進八強的那一役,到現在已經有一年多的時間,卻依然記憶猶新,回想這一路走來,充滿艱辛與挑戰,深切體認職業網球選手的榮耀與背負的壓力。而現代網球運動的職業化制度,選手所面對的競爭越來越高,培養一個選手所需的專業分工也越來越精細,這反映在選手背後「團隊」的人數和分工上。 在現在所處的大環境裡,不管是在爭取積分排名,或者克服各種主客觀條件,要成為一個頂尖的職業網球選手,不只必須具備各種能力,如何整合「身、心、技」的能力將是目前最重要的課題(莊仲仁,1996)。 本研究以自我分析的個案研究方式,回顧本人在2010年與美國選手羅迪克(Roddick)對戰的三場賽事,綜合質性與量化研究方法,探討「身、心、技」在各階段的現狀評估與分析,希望瞭解與驗證「身、心、技」各變項對於三場賽事表現的影響,並且為未來賽事的準備策略提供前瞻性的規劃。
It has been over a year already since I made it to the quarterfinal of Wimbledon in June of 2010. However, the memory still seems so fresh. Thinking back, my professional tennis career is full of difficulties and challenges. There are some glory moments, but most of the time I’m under heavy pressure. With the modern tennis sport becoming more professionalized, the players face ever increasing competition. And, what it takes to develop a player and the tasks required have become more sophisticated and meticulous. This is reflected in the player’s supporting team, in terms of size of the team, and how the tasks are divided within the team. In the large environment that we are under today, no matter if it’s fighting for ranking and points, or overcoming any objective and subjective conditions, to become a top professional tennis player, it is not enough to simply possess different skill sets. In fact, it is more important to have the ability to consolidate the “body, mind and techniques” (Chung-Ren Chuang, 1996). This research is a self-analysis and individual case study, to reflect the three matches that I played against Andy Roddick of the United States back in 2010. I incorporated both qualitative and quantitative research methods, to analyze how “body, mind and techniques” are performed in each stage. Hopefully by studying and validating how “body, mind and techniques” impact the performance in these three matches. This will impact the future match preparations, by helping to come up with the preparation strategy and set the right game plan.



網球, 「身, , 技」, 羅迪克, tennis, “body, mind, techniques”, Roddick





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