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本文從日治時期臺灣豬隻宰殺的歷史出發,從財政、屠宰法規、肉品流通、戰時統制四個層面來切入日本帝國體制下的臺灣豬隻,重新思考日本統治臺灣的殖民地特性。 1898年後藤新平來臺擔任臺灣總督府民政長官,以臺灣財政獨立為目標,開拓新的稅源,屠宰稅被列為地方稅的稅目之一。臺灣總督府利用臺灣人好吃豬肉習慣,屠宰稅在地方財政上具有一定的意義。總督府主要透過兩個措施來增加屠宰稅收入。首先透過大量設置屠宰場地,並使其公營化,再創設比日本還嚴格的屠宰法制,來監督私下屠宰。除了確保食品安全之外,也使臺灣屠宰稅大幅成長。 臺灣總督府將豬隻視為一種稅源,對於豬隻相關傳統民俗採取舊慣溫存,促進臺灣人的養豬活動。隨著縱貫鐵路的發達,連接起豬隻生產地與消費地,形成新的肉豬運輸系統。1920年代以後,各市都設有「家畜市場」,除了實現豬肉供需平衡之外,也讓家畜仲介商與屠戶進行肉豬交易,避免豬農與消費者虧損的風險。 臺灣總督府1930年完成本島養豬改良事業後,豬農的飼養技術也提升,開始利用進口飼料。雖然中日戰爭後,進口飼料受到限制,臺灣島內的養豬業於1940年開始衰退,然而豬隻作為本島屠宰數量最多的家畜,臺灣總督府因此得以透過屠宰場,展開肉豬的收購之外,豬皮也成了民間皮革資源。 日本帝國統治下的臺灣,以後藤新平創造的地方稅制度為起點,屠宰場成為肉品流通過程中捕豬的「網子」,日本統治者將臺灣豬隻利用為財政、肉品流通、戰時動員的資源。
This thesis starts with the history of pig slaughter in Taiwan during the Japanese Ruled Period and aims to explore the characteristics of Swine in Taiwan from the four levels of finance, regulations, meat distribution under the Japanese Colonial Empire. In 1898, Goto Shinpei starts to rule Taiwan, slaughter tax has become one of the items on the Local Tax System. Taiwan Governor-General Office(TGGO) using the habit of Taiwanese eating pork as one of the local financial resources. Local governments have regular revenue of slaughter tax. Because TGGO has developed public operation of slaughterhouse and legalization of slaughter system behind increasing slaughter tax revenue. The policy of TGGO not only makes food safety well but also achieves good results in slaughter tax revenue. For TGGO, swine in Taiwan is one of the tax resources on the local governments in Taiwan, TGGO has accepted Taiwanese folk custom associated with hog production, and promoted the swine industry in Taiwan. About the distribution of hogs, the development of the railway in Taiwan bring on a good transport service, all city governments have set up livestock markets. City governments make livestock brokers deal with slaughterers on the livestock markets in order to adjust pork supply and demand, and safeguarding hog suppliers’ interests and consumer budget. TGGO has managed breeding swine from 1908 to 1930, also have made pig farmer feeding techniques advanced. Pig farmers start to use imported feed. After The Second Sino-Japanese War, the Empire of Japan is restricted to import, In Taiwan, the amount of imported feed is also decreased, swine industry in Taiwan starts to decline gradually in 1940. However, hogs are still be primarily taken for slaughter, TGGO managed a new unified management system of hogs and pigskin procurement and rationing. All in all, beginning with the local tax system, slaughterhouses have become the net which catches hogs, and Japanese Ruler adjust swine to the new system of finance, distribution of pork, and wartime structure.



日治時期, 屠宰場, 地方稅, 屠宰稅, 家畜市場, 統制配給, Japanese Ruled Period, slaughterhouse, local tax, slaughter tax, livestock market, state procurement





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