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由於研究者在數學教中面臨學習者投入大量的學習時間,但仍面臨部分學習者無法掌握數概念的困境,許多研究結果顯示遊戲式數學能提升學習動機及學習成效,因此,本研究採用行動研究,來探討使用遊戲式數學課程教學對於3位國小資源班數學學障生對於數概念的學習成效。選出在評量中進位加法與不退位減法兩項目皆低於PR3的3位中年級學生作為研究對象,以MIND為教材,施以每週3節,為期16週的教學,期間依據參與者者個別差異進行教學調整,藉由資料蒐集分析其在數概念的改變歷程及學習興趣與學習行為的轉變情形,研究結果如下: 一、根據學習者現況能力、學習特質與需求,搭配調整策略來進行數概念教學。教學所面臨問題分為遊戲進行方式所面臨的教學困境、學習者能力差異、學習者行為問題以及視知覺能力問題。對應上述情形採取彈性的教與學、詳細的遊戲規則說明、提供增強和練習,建立正向的學習環境來增進學習興趣、增加社會互動機會以及提升學習動機。 二、進行MIND教學後,學習者從加減法的感知,一路建構數字與數量概念,再運用前面基礎來熟練與自動化十的合成技能,以奠定加法計算的先備能力,將此能力用於加法計算策略中,最終達到獨立心算的目的。紙筆測驗及教學前後測結果發現,3位研究參與者在學習單的答對率有維持穩定狀況、教學前後測答對率有提升。 三、進行MIND教學後,三位研究參與者的學習興趣及學習行為均有正向的改變。
Because researchers faced that even learners spent a lot of time in the learning mathematics, but some learners still faced the dilemma of number concepts. Many research results showed that game-based mathematics could improve learning motivation and learning effectiveness. So the purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of learning math concepts for 3 students with mathematics learning disabilities in elementary school special education classroom using game-based mathematical programs. This study used action research to discuss the learning effectiveness of students with mathematics learning disabilities. They were filtered by basic mathematical calculations, then selecting 3 middle school students whose carry addition and non-return subtraction were lower than PR3. After that, using MIND as the teaching material was going in duration of 3 times a week for 16 weeks. During the teaching period, the teaching adjustment was made according to the individual differences of the participants. Data were collected and analyzed by the participants' changes in the concept of numbers and the changes in learning interests and behaviors. The results show below: 1.The teaching of number sense was going with different strategies according to the learner’s current abilities, characteristics and needs. Some problems happened in teaching such as the teaching dilemma of playing games, differences of learners’ abilities, problems of learner’s behavior and learner’s visual perception. So flexible teaching and learing, detailed description of game rules and providing the chances of exercises were introduced to increace learning interest, socical interaction and motivation. 2.After teaching of MIND, learners could start forming from perception of add/sub. to concepts of number. Base on the previous foundation and sythetic skills of merge ten, the preparatory ability was used in add calculation. Eventually, learners equipped with mental arithmetic. Results of paper-and-pencil test and pre-and post test showed that 3 participates had stable performance. Rate of correct answer also increased than before. 3.After the teaching of MIND, the interest and behavior in learning of the 3 research subjects were all changed positively.



遊戲式數學課程, 數學學障, MIND課程, 行動研究, game-based mathematical programs, mathematics learning disabilities, MIND programs, action research

