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本研究旨在探討國中普通班視覺障礙學生的學校生活適應情形。研究者以自編之「視覺障礙學生學校生活適應調查問卷」為研究工具,以臺灣地區北部八縣市之國中視障學生為對象進行普查。回收有效問卷113份,問卷所得資料以平均數、標準差及次數分配百分比等統計方法進行分析。本研究之重要發現如下: 一、 國中視障學生的學校生活適應情形趨於良好。各向度得分由高至低的順序為「學習適應」、「自我適應」、「同儕關係」及「師生關係」。 二、 國中視障學生的學校生活適應表現,不因年級、障礙程度等個人背景變項之不同而有所差異。 三、 國中視障學生的學校生活適應表現,因性別、障礙發生時期等個人背景變項之不同而有所差異。其中,男生適應情形較女生佳;障礙發生時期為先天者適應較障礙發生時期為後天者佳。 四、 國中視障學生的學校生活適應表現,不因家庭社經地位等環境背景變項之不同而有所差異。 五、 國中視障學生的學校生活適應表現,因居住地區等環境背景變項之不同而有所差異。其中,居住於都會區者適應較居住為非都會區者為佳。 六、 「學校行政支持」、「課程與教學」及「家庭支持」三個變項對於視障學生學校生活適應之預測均有正向的影響。其中,以「家庭支持」變項對視障學生學校生活適應的影響最大,預測力也最佳。 最後,針對研究結果對學校行政單位、課程編輯與教學者及擁有視覺障礙孩子之家庭等三方面提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the visually- impaired students in junior high school life. A questionnaire was developed to gather information from the visually-impaired students in junior high school, and the effective samples were up to 113 copies. The data was analyzed with mean, standard deviation, percentage. The results are as follows: 1. The visually-impaired students of school life in the junior high school to adapt to the situation, tend to be well. The dimensions of the scores from high to low in order to “learning adaptation” and “self adaptation”, “peer relationships” and “teacher-student relationships”. 2. The visually-impaired students of school life in the junior high school to adapt to life was not affected by grade level, disability level. 3. The visually-impaired students of school life in the junior high school to adapt to life by sex, age, personal disorder background items. Where male students adapted better school life than females ; obstacles occurred during birth to accommodate a dysfunction period acquired is preferred. 4. The visually-impaired students of school life in the junior high school to adapt to life was not affected by family socioeconomic status and other background variables in the environment. 5. The visually-impaired students of school life in the junior high school to adapt to life was affected by the place of residence and other background variables in the environment. Among them, living in the metropolitan area to accommodate a living person for non-metropolitan areas. 6. Three variables, including “school administration support”, “curriculum and instruction”, and “family support” had positive impacts on the students ' school for the visually-impaired in the northern part of the life of the forecast. “Family support” was most influential to the school life of students and had the highest predicting power. Based on the study results, some suggestions are proposed for the further advanced studies.



視覺障礙學生, 國中教育階段, 學校生活適應, Visually-impaireed student, Junior high school, School life





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