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本研究旨在運用「心理位移」書寫生氣情緒事件,探討教師在不同位格的認知 轉變歷程及情緒調節效果,希望藉此呈現不同位格的整體轉變趨勢。本研究採用內 容分析法及焦點團體訪談,以五位教齡低於十年的在職教師為研究對象,進行為期 三週的心理位移日記書寫,經分析後所獲初步結論如下:一、心理位移書寫前教師情緒現狀及因應策略教師生氣情緒主要對象為學生,安適幸福感呈中低程度且有情緒支持需求;因 應策略以「情緒焦點」因應為主。二、心理位移書寫中的認知轉變歷程(一)參與者個人轉變歷程 參與者呈現出不同的轉變歷程,主要表現在不同位格所採取的主要因應方式 不同;而安適幸福感量表結果顯示:參與者書寫後的安適程度有不同程度的提升。 (二)整體認知轉變歷程 從「我」位格至「他」位格,各位格主要因應方式如下: 1.「我」位格:以「情緒焦點」因應為主,主要是「情緒表達」。 2.「你」位格:「情緒焦點」及「問題焦點」因應不分上下,多採用「認知重構」、「情緒表達」。 3.「他」位格:「情緒焦點」及「問題焦點」共同因應,較多採用「認知重構」、「尋求支持」。 4.「再回到我」:以「問題焦點」因應為主,「認知重構」、「問題解決」較多採用。 心理位移書寫對教師的影響主要表現在反思與接納、自我覺察、理解他人及採用問題焦點因應等。 根據上述研究結果,研究者亦提出相關建議,供教育相關單位,作為提供教師情緒支持及未來研究之參考。
The study aims to explore the cognitive transformation process of teachers in different pronouns and emotional regulation effect by applying"psychological displacement" to write anger provocations, hoping to present the overall transformation trend of different pronouns. The method adopted in this study were content analysis and focus-group interviewing, five in-service teachers with less than 10 years of teaching experience were selected as the research subjects and the psychological displacement diary-writing was last for three weeks. The preliminary conclusions are summarized as follows: I. The emotional state and coping strategies of teachers before using the PDPDThe main subjects of teachers' anger are students with low to medium sense of peace of mind and emotional support needs. Coping strategies mainly focus on emotion-focused coping. II. Cognitive transformation process in using the PDPD i. Participants' personal transformation process The participants present different processes of transformation, mainly difference in the coping strategies in different pronouns. The results of the Peace of Mind Scale showed that affective well-being of the participants improved in different degrees after using the PDPD.ii. Overall cognitive transformation processFrom the pronoun"I" to the pronoun "s/he", the main coping strategies of each pronoun are as follows: 1. The coping of the pronoun "I": focus on emotion-focused coping, mainly applying "emotion expression". 2. The coping of the pronoun "you": emotion-focused coping is important as problem-focused coping, mainly applying "cognitive restructuring" and "emotion expression". 3. The coping of the pronoun "s/he": emotion-focused coping is important as problem-focused coping, mainly applying "cognitive restructuring"and "social support". 4. The coping of "back to I": focus on problem-focused coping, mainly applying "cognitive restructuring" and "problem solving". The influences of PDPD on teachers are mainly about reflection and acceptance, self-awareness, understanding others and the use of problem-focused coping. Based on the above research results, several suggestions also were put forward to provide teachers' emotional supports for educational institutions and advice for future research.



心理位移, 教師情緒, 認知評價, psychological displacement, teacher emotions, cognitive appraisal





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