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本研究旨在探討青少年中國象棋棋手在學棋的歷程中,除了棋藝增長之外,棋局中的世界是否影響青少年棋手在日常生活中的想法,包括在心態(積極性、客觀性等)與想法(對事物的看法、觀察力、思考角度等)上的改變,並透過訪談重要他人,包括棋手本身、棋師、家人及其他主要支持者如棋友、同儕等。透過紮根研究的方式,逐步建立概念、範躊,蒐集資料、分析資料,再藉由分析所得結果適時修改訪談大綱,接著再去訪談其他受訪者,蒐集更多的資料,然後再分析,不斷循環這個過程,直到資料達到飽和為止,以此建立理論架構依據本研究之研究結果,得到以下結論: 一、學棋有助能力成長 透過訪談,從棋手本身、母親以及棋院教師的觀察中,發現到棋手學習中國象棋後,在能力上有所成長,在待人處事與人際關係上也有改變。 二、升學管道不足與缺乏職業制度 國內目前雖然有部分學校,將棋藝類的表現列入加分項目,但畢竟為數不多,且非各地區均有;而國內亦沒有建立起職業制度,提供棋手一個專心鑽研棋藝的環境。因此歷年來有些棋手在學生時期有著極佳的表現,卻必須與現實妥協而放棄下棋。 三、缺乏學棋管道 由研究者與象棋老師之經驗以及研究參與者之情形,目前學習中國象棋的幾個管道分別是家中長輩教導、學校社團活動、棋院學習、網路對奕、觀看他人對奕以及棋譜自修等方式。這些方式並非每個學生都有機會接觸到一種或以上的經驗,特別是學生在進入學校生活後,受到同儕的影響,更不容易堅持興趣去認真學習,除非同儕亦對中國象棋有興趣,才有可能共同參與學習,但亦受到外在環境限制,不穩定性相當高。 四、學校環境缺乏對奕對象。 雖然在國小教室中很容易看到象棋的擺設,但學生未必會願意去使用,部分班級則是班規中自訂不能在教室中放置象棋,下課不能玩象棋,因此已經形成一個較為小眾的活動。在這樣的情形下,要在班上找到一個對象棋真的有興趣且願意共同鑽研的對手是相當不容易的。 五、家庭支持有助於棋手發展棋藝。 研究參與者有幸生長在一個願意尊重並支持他的選擇的家庭中,也因此而有父親的啟蒙,有機會接觸到棋院的老師,有機會參加國手選拔,有機會考慮是否要繼續學棋。家庭是一切學習的起點,能否找出孩子的天賦,能否正向看待孩子的興趣,能否支持包容孩子往興趣的發展,能否提供一個無後顧之憂的環境。這些態度對每個孩子來說都是相當重要的,能讓他們減少與家人的溝通,免除家人的疑慮,全心發展他們的天賦。 最後研究者根據本研究結果,歸納出相關建議事項,建議政府教育單位與學校,能實際重視特殊才能學生的需求,以及建議家長以更多元的角度欣賞孩子,給予家庭支持,和對未來研究之建議。
This study aimed to investigate the learning process of an outstanding teenager chess player in Taiwan. In addition to exploring the growth of chess skills, the focus of this study also examined whether the mind-sets (activeness, objectiveness etc) and thoughts (over opinions, observation, perspectives etc.) of this player have been altered in the daily life. By interviewing significant others such as himself, chess teachers, family member and other supports including chessmates and peers, researcher adopted a grounded orientation so as to gradually establish concepts and categories as well as collect and analyze data. Based on the previous analyses, interview questions were revised and used to garner further information. This cycle is repeated until the data are full in order to construct theoretical framework. Research findings are reached as follows: 1.Learning chess facilitates the capacity enhancement By interviewing player himself, player's mother and chess teacher, it is found that player has increased his ability and changed his way of getting along with people and interpersonal relationship after learning Chinese chess. 2. Lack of opportunities access to higher school and professional career system. Though extra points can be earned by learning Chinese chess for access to higher school, the scope is limited and not applied to every district. There is no domestic professional system providing a sound environment. Therefore, some players were forced to give up playing chess even they performed very well at the schooling period. 3. Lacking of opportunities to learn chess According to researchers, chess teacher and participant, there are a few channels to learn chess including home teaching by seniors, school club, chess classroom, the Internet, observation learning and self study by manual. Not every student can learn chess through one of the above channels. Particularly students are heavily influenced by the peers and cannot devote themselves to learning chess diligently. It is difficult to undertake joint learning unless having a counterpart. Students are further constrained by external environment and quite unstable in learning chess. 4. Lack of chessmate to play with Though it is common to see chess facilities at primary school classroom, students are not willing to use. Some classes even prohibit to set up the facilities and students are not allow to play off class making this activity small scale. Under this circumstance, it is not easy to find a chessmate to play with. 5. Family support helps develop the chess skills Participant was luckily raised up by a family where respects and supports his choice. He was enlightened by his father, educated by chess teachers, act as a candidate for national player and has the opportunities to consider whether he should move on or not. Family is the starting point of learning and a place where to determine whether is able to locate child's gift, treat child's hobby positively, embrace the development of child and provide a supportive environment. These attitudes are very important to every child by reducing the miscommunication with family member, eradicating family suspicion and fully exercise child's potential gift. Finally based on research findings, researchers summarized relevant suggestions for educational authorities and schools. They are required to pay their attention to the real needs of gifted students. Recommendations were also made to parents in order to appreciate children from diverse perspectives. Suggestions for future research are also provided.



青少年優異棋手, 中國象棋, 重要他人, outstanding teenager players, Chinese chess, significant others





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