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聽障兒童由於溝通互動的困難,與大人互動時,容易產生誤會,而引發聽障兒童之不服從行為。當聽障兒童伴隨違抗行為時,與一般兒童之違抗行為是否存在差異?如何區分兩者溝通互動能力之不同,以凸顯出聽障兒童違抗行為診斷之重要性? 故本研究主要目的在瞭解不同年齡聽障兒童之干擾性行為,以探討聽障兒童的干擾性行為是否有溝通互動困難之干擾,及澄清聽障兒童干擾性行為的診斷問題,作為調整早期介入課程之參考。 本研究以就讀台北縣市學前大班及國小一、二年級聽障母群為對象,分析109位聽障兒童在「問題行為篩選量表」(教師評)之違抗與違規行為的表現,並以問卷篩選聽障非違抗與聽障違抗兒童,及教師推薦之一般違抗兒童,實施情境式溝通互動能力評量。 主要發現有:(一)學前聽障兒童比同齡一般兒童與國小聽障兒童較常出現輕微的違抗行為,但相反的,學前一般兒童與國小聽障兒童則較常出現違規行為;(二)聽障兒童之語言溝通能力比一般兒童低落,尤其是學前聽障兒童,但國小聽障兒童之語言溝通能力,與同齡一般兒童的差異並不明顯;(三)聽障兒童比一般兒童明顯較常使用非語言溝通方式,尤其是學前聽障兒童;(四)聽障違抗兒童比起聽障非違抗兒童,除了明顯較常使用要求與表述語言之外,與他人互動時,也明顯較常出現不服從、干擾及不合作行為;(五)情境式溝通互動評量能有效區分聽障非違抗、聽障違抗與一般違抗兒童。綜合情境式溝通互動評量質與量的分析結果,提出之溝通互動能力參考依據,的確能有效區分聽障兒童的違抗特質。 溝通互動能力參考依據包括: 1、量的參考依據:(1)溝通能力參考依據:經常使用只有非語言的溝通方式;(2)互動行為參考依據:經常出現不服從、不合作與干擾的行為; (3)負向行為總數:同時出現不服從、不合作、干擾或攻擊行為3 項以上。 2、質的參考依據:(1)與他人互動時,無法專心或注意他人的行為;(2)在他人引導下,雖能瞭解指令,但仍經常無法表現出適當的行為;(3)能瞭解大人的要求或規定,但執意不聽從指令;(4)與他人互動時,會碰觸他人的身體;(5)較難控制自己的行為,而一再表現出無法輪流等待與遵守遊戲規則;(6)容易衝動,對喜歡的事物或活動較難被改變或轉移注意力,而引發不服從、不合作或干擾的行為;(7)面對遊戲輸時會不斷要求再玩一次,與主試者討價還價,而且企圖改變主試者的要求或規定,引發不服從、不合作或干擾行為;(8)經常拒絕他人的協助、關心或別人碰觸他的身體與東西,而過多的拒絕容易引發與同儕互動時產生衝突行為;(9)做錯事的時候會推卸責任;(10)會漠視友伴的抗議而引起友伴不滿。 3、容易出現偽陽性的參考依據:(1)不論有無溝通困難,經常使用只有眼神接觸的溝通方式;(2)不論有無溝通困難,經常不會主動澄清問題或表達需求;(3)有溝通困難,但不會主動使用溝通互動策略。 基於研究結果與發現,本研究分別就實務與未來研究方面提出相關建議,以供教學工作者應用,以及聽障違抗兒童診斷後續研究之參考。
As children with hearing impairment have difficulties in interaction and communication with other people, they are apt to misunderstand the other peers and appear disobedient when they are in interaction with adults. Is the oppositional defiant behavior shown by children with hearing impairment different with that shown by ordinary children? For stressing the importance of the diagnosis of the oppositional defiant behavior shown by children with hearing impairment, it should be known how to distinguish the communicating abilities of these two kinds of children. In this study, the focus is placed on the understanding of the interruptive behavior shown by children with hearing impairment at different level of age, the approaching of the possibility of the interruptive behavior of children with hearing impairment to result in their difficulty in communication and social interaction, and furthermore the clarifying of the diagnoses of the interruptive behavior shown by children with hearing impairment. It is hoped that all this will be taken as reference for the adjustment of the content of the preliminary course. In this study, a sample of 109 pupils with hearing impairment was drawn from the advanced pre-schooling classes and Grade 1 and 2 of the primary schools in Taipei City and Taipei County as a group for a variety of tests. Analyses of their oppositional defiant behavior and conduct problem were made based on the materials contained in “Teachers’ comments on the problem behaviors”. Besides rating was given on the communicating ability expressed under the specified circumstances by the general children with hearing impairment selected through questionnaire and the general children with oppositional defiant behavior recommended by teachers. The analyses were concluded with five important findings described as below: (I) Pre-schooling children with hearing impairment more often show slight conduct problem than the children at the same age and the primary school children while general pre-schooling children and primary school pupils with hearing impairment more often showing conduct problem. (II) Children with hearing impairment, especially pre-schooling children with hearing impairment, have inferior ability in verbal communication to ordinary children, while primary school children with hearing impairment and ordinary children of the same age have almost the same verbal communicating ability. (III) Children with hearing impairment, especially pre-schooling children with hearing impairment, more apparently often adopt non-verbal communicating method than general ordinary children. (IV) Compared with children with hearing impairment and free of oppositional defiant behavior, children with both hearing impairment and oppositional defiant behavior not only more apparently often use requesting and expounding language but more apparently often express disobedience interruption and uncooperative behavior. (V) Rating of the communication and social interaction carried on by children under the specified circumstances can effectively distinguish who are with hearing impairment and free of oppositional defiant behavior, who are with both hearing impairment and oppositional defiant behavior, and who are general children with oppositional defiant behavior. The result of the comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analyses of the communication and social interaction carried on under the specified circumstances can be used as three bases of reference for rating children’s communicating ability and social interaction: 1. Quantitative reference bases: (1) A reference basis of rating the communicating ability: Often use non-verbal communication. (2) A reference basis of social interaction: Often appearing disobedience, uncooperative and interruptive behavior. (3) Total value of negative behavior: Appearing at the same time more than three particulars of disobedience, uncooperative and interruptive or attacking behavior. 2. Qualitative reference bases: (1) Unable to concentrate attention on the other party in social interaction. (2) Though understanding the instructions under other people’s guidance, they cannot show proper behavior. (3) Though understanding the request or regulations required by the adults, they deliberately ignore the instructions. (4) Deliberately touching other people’s bodies in social interaction. (5) Hard to control their own behaviors and repetitively expressing that they have no patience to wait for their turn in the game rule. (6) Hard to control their emotion and apt to be in disobedient uncooperative or interruptive behavior because they or their attention can be hardly attracted by their preferred things or activities. (7) When losing in a game, they repetitively ask for once more try and show disobedient, uncooperative or interruptive behavior by bargaining with the host of the game for intending to change the request or the rule required by the host. (8) Often refusing other people to give them assistance, care or to touch their bodies or their things and easily arousing conflict with the other party because of too many refuses. (10) Easily arousing dissatisfaction of their company because of their ignoring the company’s opposite. 3. False positive reference bases easily appear: (1) No matter whether there is difficulty in communication, they often express their opinions or ideas by the expression of their eyes. (2) No matter whether there is difficulty in communication, usually they do not positively clarify problems or express their requests. (3) Even having difficulty in communication, they do not adopt a measure of positively exchanging ideas with other people. A conclusion is given in this study that suggestions are submitted for either the actual work or future studies as reference for teachers and fellow researchers on the diagnoses of children with hearing impairment and oppositional defiant behavior.



聽覺障礙, 干擾性行為, 違抗行為, 違規行為, 違抗症狀, 溝通能力, 互動行為, Hearing impairment, Interruptive behavior, Oppositional defiant behavior, Conduct problem, Symptom of oppositional defiance, Communicating ability, Social interaction





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