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本研究之目的在了解國內原住民學生就讀各類資優班人數比例與概況;其次發展多元才能探尋模式,藉以發現原住民學生多元才能,並建立原住民學生人才庫。 本研究第一部份以問卷調查國內589所學校各類資優班原住民學生人數及教師對原住民學生鑑定的看法;第二部分以花蓮地區三個原住民族群14所學校597名高年級學生為對象,發展原住民學生多元才能探尋模式及人才庫的建立;第三部分以個案質性與量化資料分析,初步了解本項模式之合適性。研究主要結果與發現說明如下: 一、原住民學生就讀資優班概況 (一)調查所得目前就讀國內資優班原住民學生有712人,佔受調查資優學生1.75%,其中以體育資優生人數最多,依族別以阿美族學生人數較多。 (二)資優班教師較多認為原住民資優生出現率較低,若以實際表現則近半數認為原住民與非原住民學生沒有差異。此外,教師認為原住民學生擅長的領域為音樂、體育、舞蹈及美術領域。 (三)對於原住民資優學生鑑定標準與方法,較多教師認為維持目前鑑定標準,並改善鑑定方法以適合原住民學生。 二、多元才能探尋模式建立與應用 (一)運用研究者自編多元才能量表、其他量表測驗及學業成績多種評量分析後,原住民學生能力以自然探究、身體律動、視覺藝術及領導能力較佳,數學邏輯能力較弱。 (二)以參與本項研究之原住民學生建立多元才能人才庫,經設計後將資料架設於網站上,可依條件檢索各種才能人才,作為教學方案設計之參考。 三、多元才能探尋模式之合適性 (一)分析全才型與分才型學生之實際表現,除視覺藝術與人事能力學生外,其餘各項能力學生均顯現明確的性向或具體的表現。 (二)八項能力與各種評量方法之相關均達顯著水準,其中以教師評量與各項能力相關達較高。各項能力經因素分析後,除視覺藝術、自然探究能力外,多數能力均僅得到一個因素,顯示各種評量方式尚稱合宜。另經多種特質多種方法分析後,以視覺藝術、人事與音樂等三項能力效度有較大差異,其餘能力尚可。 本研究除對研究結果加以討論外,研究者並提出對原住民學生鑑定、多元才能評量之應用以及未來進一步研究之建議,作為未來規劃與進行原住民資優方案之參考。
The purposes of this study were (a) to investigate the prevalence of aboriginal students in gifted programs and their teachers’ perspectives on the identification procedure for aboriginals, (b) to develop a multi-talent searching model for finding talented aboriginals. There were three parts in this study. First of all, the questionnaires were sent to a total of 589 schools to investigate the ratio of aboriginal students in gifted programs, and those teachers’ perspectives on the identification procedure for aboriginals as well. Secondly, a multi-talent searching model was developed through investigating 597 aboriginal students in fourteen schools within three tribes in Hualien. Those students’ multiple talents were measured by using teacher-rating scale, self-rating scale, peer nomination, and their GPA scores. Finally, the effectiveness of this model was examined by using case study and Pearson’s product-moment correlation, factor analysis, and multitrait-multimehtod approach. The major findings of this study were as follows: I. The prevalence of aboriginal students in gifted program and teachers’ perspectives on the identification procedure 1.Currently, there were 712 aboriginal students in gifted program, roughly accounted for 1.75% of total gifted students in Taiwan. Most of the gifted aboriginal students were in the tribe A-Mei and they were more participated in the athletic talents program. 2.Teachers in the gifted classes tended to consider that, compared to the general students, the prevalence of gifted aboriginal students were lower. Near half of all teachers believed that there is no difference between gifted aboriginal students and their non-aboriginal gifted peers in academic performance; Further more, teachers also indicated that the aboriginals are good in areas such as music, athletic, dance, and fine arts etc. 3.Regarding to the procedure for identifying gifted aboriginal students, most of the teachers prefer to maintain the current standard of identification, however, they recommend that the method for identification needs to be adjusted for aboriginal students. II. Establishing and applying the multi-talent searching model 1.By employing the teacher-rating scale, students-rating scales, peer nomination, and GPA scores, the aboriginal students were found to perform better in areas of natural exploration, physical movement, visual art, and leadership. However, their weakness was in mathematics-logics ability. 2.The talent pool was built through combining data of all aboriginal students in this study. The database was designed to be assessable via computer network. Teachers of these participants could screen the pool under certain pre-specified conditions, the results could be used for further instructional design. III. The appropriateness of the multi-talent searching model 1.Ten students were selected from this multi-talent search, and their actual performances were collected to verify the finding of the model. The results show that, except students who were skilled in personnel and visual art, the other students all showed substantial evidence in their ability respectively. 2.The findings of the correlation, factor analysis and multitrait-multimethod approach provided the evidence of the appropriateness of this model. First of all, correlation coefficients of all abilities and evaluating methods were all got significant. Among these methods, teacher-rating was the one, which showed better correlations. Factor analyses provided evidence for the unidimentionality of all abilities except visual art and natural exploration. The multitrait-multimethod approach presented the appropriate validity for all abilities except visual arts, personnel and music. Discussion was made on the basis of these above findings, and suggestions for identifying aboriginal students, application of the multi-talent searching model were offered for further research.



原住民學生, 少數族群, 評量, 多元才能, 才能, aboriginal student, minority, assessment, multi talent, talent





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