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本研究旨在研發「地球科學教室學習環境問卷」(Earth Science Classroom Learning Environment Instrument, ESCLEI),並藉此問卷初步調查高一地球科學教室學習環境的特質,進而初探其在地球科學學習與教學上的可能意涵。ESCLEI包含「學生中心」與「教師中心」兩分量表,同時亦將「理想版」問卷及「實際經歷版」問卷同置於一份問卷中。試驗性研究對象來自台北市及台中市共兩所公立高中,計有四位地科老師分別執教的四個班級之高一學生參與,有效樣本共167人。研究設計採問卷調查法,主要目的爲藉由本次試驗性研究,進行初步結果分析及問卷細緻化的工作,以利後續之大規模施測。研究結果顯示:一、ESCLEI已具有一定之信度與效度;二、學生心目中似乎可同時接受教師中心與學生中心的學習環境,這可能意味著國內學生對(地球)科學教室學習環境的看法,可能有其別於國外的獨特性;三、在教師中心及學生中心的分量上,學生實際經歷的學習環境均較心目中理想的學習環境有顯著的落差;四、學生理想中的學習環境在教師中心與學生中心的分量上並無顯著差異;五、學生實際經歷的學習環境中,教師中心的分量顯著地高於學生中心的分量,顯示國內長久以來地球科學教室的學習環境,在高中階段仍是以教師爲中心的;六、本問卷似可區別出不同地球科學教師所營造出的教室學習環境。以上的研究結果對於地球科學的教學和學習應具有一定的啟示並對後續更深入之研究工作有相當的助益。
The ESCLEI (Earth Science Classroom Learning Environment Instrument) was developed and pilot tested with tenth-grade students in earth science classes to explore related issues in earth science teaching and learning. The instrument consists of two subscales (student-centered and teacher-centered learning environments) with both preferred and actual (or perceived) forms pooled together. Participants were 167 10(superscript th) grade students enrolled in four earth science classes taught by four different teachers at two senior high schools in the Taipei and Taichung City. The instrument was found to be a reliable and valid measure for assessing earth science classroom learning environment. Students preferred both the student-centered and teacher-centered learning environments, which seem to be a domestically unique situation. There is a noticeable gap between pupils' preferred and actual (perceived) classroom learning environments in both subscales. The preferred classroom learning environments revealed by students' responses on both scales are quite similar to each other. However, students' perceived (actual) learning environment is much more oriented toward teacher-centered settings than toward the student-centered situation. The instrument was also found to be a sensitive measure in distinguishing between different earth science learning environments intended and designed by different teachers. The results of the current study could shed light on teaching and learning of earth sciences and have a potential benefit for future studies. Furthermore the results of this pilot survey study could be used for the modification and specific adaptation of the instrument and for conducting large sample field studies in the future.



