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銀行保險保費收入自2002年以來一路成長,但在金融海嘯後因為整體金融環境的不穩定,市場利率不斷走低,民眾承受投資風險程度降低,以及銀行存放款利差越來越低,導致銀行業的收入來源減少。此時壽險公司推出的類定存保單因比定存利率高,成為民眾最愛的理財商品,銀行也籍由銷售保險帶來穏定的獲利,在2010年銀行保險初年度保費收入也創下了史上新高點。 但近年來由於市場環境變化及主管機關監管保險業日趨漸嚴,使得壽險公司在商品推動策略上除了要觀察市場環境的變動外,還得因應主管機關法令規範,對保費收入造成了不小衝擊。金管會更在106年1月實施「人身保險業辦理費用適足性檢測自律規範」,規定保險商品不得有「費差損」情況發生,嚴重影響銀行保險佣收,其中躉繳利變型保單,過去平均佣金率約4-5%,2017年起降到1.6-2.5%,降幅約50%;期繳型保單,過去平均佣金率則約20-30%左右,調整後降到10-17%,間接影響商品銷售,也對銀行財管的保險收入造成了影響。 本研究主要以企業動態能力的角度來分析金控在經營銀行保險業務時的策略,如何因應銀保市場的挑戰與限制,並藉由個案金控的實例分析,了解個案金控所具備的動態能力是如何快速整合並調整銀行保險推動策略,以提供給相關企業做為未來推動銀行保險策略之參考。
Since 2002, the banks had received higher and higher revenues from selling insurance. However, due to the financial crisis and unstable financial environment, the market rate continued to decrease, and customers avoided taking risk of investment which reduced revenues for the bank industry. At the same time, insurance companies offered the customers financial product which the interest rate was higher than market rate and therefore it became the most favorite product for customers. By selling this kind of product, the banks’ revenues hit a new high in 2010. Nevertheless, the rapidly changing market and stricter policies and restrictions have impacted the insurance industry these years. When releasing new products, insurance companies have to not only understand the market demand but also follow the regulations. Moreover, the regulations severely reduce commissions on selling insurances and also indirectly affect commodity sales for bancassurance companies. This research uses Dynamic Capability Theory to discuss how the financial institute conquers challenges and limitations when running the bancassurance business. By analyzing the case study of the financial institute, we hope to realize how the financial institute can quickly respond to the market demand and thus adjust the strategies by using dynamic capability they have.



金控業, 金融保險業務, 動態能力分析, 金控動態能力分析, financial institute, bancassurance, Dynamic Capability Theory





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