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清光緒二十六年(西元1900年),敦煌莫高窟第17窟藏經洞,在偶然的情況下被開啟,洞內發現大量六朝至北宋年間的寫卷,其中亦包括多件《毛詩》及其注解文獻。敦煌《毛詩》系列寫卷,與傳世本內容有諸多差異之處,本論文將透過文字、音韻、訓詁之研究角度,期盼提供語言文字學術領域更豐富的研究素材,並進行細部的分析與探討。 第一章〈緒論〉,說明研究動機與目的,歷來有關《詩經》學史之發展,較少提到敦煌《毛詩》寫卷的價值,故本文選擇以此為研究材料,由字形、字音、釋義之角度,對敦煌寫卷進行細部的探討。透過研究方法與步驟的闡明,對文獻之分析予以理論依據,且說明本文主要架構。 第二章〈敦煌本《毛詩》及其注解文獻概述〉,依據綴合法考察各國國家圖書館已公布之敦煌本《毛詩》系列寫卷,並依照《毛詩》白文、《毛詩傳箋》、《毛詩正義》、《毛詩音》等類別,以表格化方式彙整其敘錄資料,呈現綴合後之影像。 第三章〈敦煌本《毛詩》及其注解文獻中的文字問題〉,探討過往敦煌寫卷俗字研究的觀點,透過敦煌本與南宋傳世本字形之對照,由異體字、通假字、訛字三方向,觀察敦煌本之構形特色和文字使用情況,發現敦煌所流傳之《毛詩》系列寫卷,乃中原通行外另一種《毛詩》版本,故展現出經典文字的多元性。 第四章〈敦煌本《毛詩》及其注解文獻中的音韻問題〉,分析敦煌本《毛詩》音切的聲母、韻母和開合等第,考察到早期反切中三等韻-j-介音產生聲母顎化現象之情形。在類隔情況的統整中,可觀察到敦煌本《毛詩》脣音字中仍有部分輕重脣混切的情況,故其音切反映的時代特性,應是初唐《經典釋文》以後至晚唐五代之間的語音。敦煌本《毛詩》音切設計著重於韻腳字的考索,是以此批音注的形成目的,可視為唐代叶韻音研究的現象。 第五章〈敦煌本《毛詩》及其注解文獻中的訓詁問題〉,有關寫卷釋義之討論,透過敦煌本與傳世本之比對,由敦煌本獨有之義訓、未見之義訓連結至敦煌本與傳世本產生歧異之因,分析此訓釋內容之差異,除了展現敦煌本有別於傳世通行本《毛詩》及其注解文獻外,更與敦煌之寺學教育密不可分。 第六章〈結論〉,總結前說,且結合《詩經》學史之討論,期盼在本文對敦煌本《毛詩》及其注解文獻進行探究和梳理後,能使得歷代《詩經》學史的發展,建構出更加清晰且完善的學術脈絡。
1900 in the Qing Dynasty, the 17th sutra cave of Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang, was opened under the fortuitous circumstance. A massive amount of manuscripts from the Six Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty were found inside the cave, many “Mao Shi” and its commentaries also included. It has numerous differences with the current passed down edition, bringing the enormous high value to the academic research. This essay will conduct a detailed analysis and investigation from a research perspective through Palaeography, Phonology, and Etymology. Chapter One (Introduction). Describing the research motivation and the objective. The historical research related to “Shijing”, rarely mentions the value of “Mao Shi” manuscripts of Dunhuang, hence this chapter explains the research methodology and the steps, in addition to describes the major structure of this essay. Chapter Two (The overview of “Mao Shi” Dunhuang edition and its commentaries). On the basis of rejoining method to inspect the disclosed “Mao Shi” manuscripts of the Dunhuang series from the national libraries of China, the United Kingdom, France, and Russia, by applying the table structured fashion to consolidate the descriptive notes, and displays the image after rejoining. Chapter Three (The Palaeography issue of “Mao Shi” Dunhuang edition and its commentaries). Exploring the past research viewpoint of the non-classical wording of the Dunhuang manuscripts, through the references between Dunhuang manuscripts and the Southern Song passed down edition, from the three directions of Variant Characters, Interchangeable Characters, and Wrong Characters, observing the formation characteristic and the word usage scenario of Dunhuang edition, thus discovered that the “Mao Shi” manuscripts series circulate at Dunhuang are another appearance of “Mao Shi” edition from the current general edition, which demonstrates the diversity of characters in the classic literature books. Chapter Four (The Phonology issue of “Mao Shi” Dunhuang edition and its commentaries). By analyzing the initial, coda, and open/closed mouth syllable of the “Fanqie” of the “Mao Shi” Dunhuang edition, the study shows the medial〔-j-〕in Third grade in the early “Fanqie” causes the palatalization of the initial. And based on summarizing the situation of the Leige pattern of Fanqie, inferring the “Fanqie” reflects the characteristics of the era, which should be the pronunciation between “Jing Dian Shi Wen” finished in the early Tang Dynasty to the Late Tang and Five Dynasties period. The “Fanqie” design of the “Mao Shi” Dunhuang edition was focusing on the study of rhyme. Therefore, the formation purpose of these pronunciation commentaries can be considered as the investigation phenomenon of the “Xieyin” in the Tang Dynasty. Chapter Five (The Etymology issue of “Mao Shi” Dunhuang edition and its commentaries). Through the comparison of the Dunhuang edition and the current passed down edition, by analyzing the differences of their commentaries sentences, apart from demonstrating the Dunhuang edition is different from the current passed down edition of “Mao Shi” and its commentaries, it indicates the inseparable relation with the Monastery School Education of Dunhuang. Chapter Six (Conclusion). Summarizing the statements of previous chapters, expecting that after the exploration and consolidation of the “Mao Shi” Dunhuang edition and its commentaries literature in this essay, could let the historical research related to “Shijing”, construct more clear and complete academic context.



敦煌寫卷, 《毛詩》, 《毛詩傳箋》, 《毛詩正義》, 文字, 音韻, 訓詁, Dunhuang Manuscripts, "Mao Shi", "Mao Shi Chuan Jian", "Mao Shi Zheng Yi", Palaeography, Phonology, Etymology





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