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田徑技術報告書 -以許雪琴選選手參加2009年大專運動會女子撐竿跳高項目為例 摘要 本「撐竿跳高技術報告書」為個人針對2009年大專運動會提前作了一系列的準備,包含分析、計畫、執行、評估,加上最後的檢討。另外收集一些文獻料探討,針對撐竿跳高選手在平時訓練上以及比賽時各方面的述敘,希望本報告書能給教練或者是選手在訓練上或參賽上有所幫助,也期許此報告書能夠提供撐竿跳高界的愛好者參考及指教。本文之結構如下: 一、個案描述:主要述敘選手本身的經歷特質,以及選手的體能、心 理、技術分析。 二、學理基礎:依據文獻說明撐竿跳高項目的簡史、特殊性,以及該 項目的訓練方法。 三、訓練及參賽計畫:本章呈現賽前所做的一系列準備計畫,包含擬 定計畫以及實施。 四、訓練及參賽結果與建議:針對平時訓練與比賽結果探討出有效的 建議與改進方法。 關鍵詞:撐竿跳高
Track and Field Technigue Report A Case Study of HSU HSUEH CHIN Participating in the 2009 National Intercollegiate Athleti Games on Womens Pole Vault Abstract The “Technique Report on Pole Vault” is a case study report of a series of training program for the individual (Syria) aimed at the 2009 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games, as well as the result of the game. The report includes analysis, planning, implementation, evaluation, and together with a final review. Besides, base on the experiences and comments stated by some pole vaulters in peacetime training and in competitions, I collected and reviewed some research literature on pole vault and discussed several critical factors for a good vault. I hope this report will give a great help for the pole vault coaches and athletes in training as well as in competitions. I also expect that the report will be a good reference for enthusiasts about pole vault. The structure of the report is: (1)The description of the case: This part describes the experiences, characteristics, physical condition, psychological condition, and pole vault technique of Syria. (2)The theoretical background of pole vault: This part describes the simple history, specific characteristics and the training program for pole vault. (3)The scheme for training and competition: This part describes the complete training program before the competition, including program drawing up and carrying out. (4)The results of training and competition as well as comments: This part discusses the effective training program and suggestions for pole vault base on the effects of peacetime training and the result of the competition. Keyword: pole vault



田徑技術報告書, pole vault

