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本研究旨在探討新北市卓越學校政策執行之現況,及影響此政策執行之相關因素,並了解不同背景變項之新北市國民中學教育人員知覺的卓越學校政策執行,與政策執行影響因素之差異情形,與探討兩者之間的關係。最後,提出建議供教育主管機關、學校單位、教育工作者,及後續研究者參考。 為達成研究目的,本研究採取問卷調查法,以新北市國民中學教育人員為研究對象,編製「新北市卓越學校政策執行調查問卷」為研究工具進行抽樣調查。共抽取40所學校,發放760份正式問卷,有效問卷為535份,故有效回收率為70.39%。調查所得資料,以百分比次數分配、平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關的統計方法,進行資料分析。根據研究結果,獲得以下結論: 壹、新北市卓越學校政策的執行現況尚佳。 貳、新北市國民中學男性、擔任校長或主任職務的教育人員,對卓越學校政策 執行的知覺程度較高。 參、新北市文山分區、學校規模在12班以下、曾參與卓越學校認證的國民中學 教育人員,對卓越學校政策執行的知覺情形較佳。 肆、新北市國民中學教育人員對卓越學校政策執行影響因素的認同程度良好。 伍、新北市國民中學教育人員對卓越學校政策執行影響因素的知覺情形趨於 一致。 陸、卓越學校政策執行影響因素與政策執行之間具有顯著正相關。
This study aims to explore the implementation of the excellent school policy in New Taipei City, to analyze the relevant factors which influence this policy, and to compare the differences between the two factors perceived by educators with different environmental variables, and to explore the relation between the two factors. Besides, it offers some recommendations to educational administrations, junior high schools,and future researchers finally. In order to achieve these purposes, the questionnaire survey method had been employed. The subject of this study is the educators of junior high schools in New Taipei City, and the questionnaire about “the implementation of the excellent school policy in New Taipei City” used as a research tool. There are 760 questionnaires which mailed to 40 schools in the sampling investigation, 535 effective questionnaires were collected, and the effective returns-ratio is about 70.39%. Further, the statistical methods used for analyzing the collected data include: Percentage of frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, t test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. According to the findings, the conclusions have shown as follows: 1.The implementation of the excellent school policy in New Taipei City was above the average. 2.In the implementation of the excellent school policy, the educators’ perception of male, serving as principal and director of junior high schools in New Taipei City was above the average. 3.In the implementation of the excellent school policy, the junior-high-school educators’ perception of Wenshan Dist, school scale under 12 classes, and having participatory experience of the excellent school certification in New Taipei City was above the average. 4.In the influential factors of the implementation of the excellent school policy, the perception of educators of junior high schools in New Taipei City was above the average. 5.In the influential factors of the implementation of the excellent school policy, the perception of educators of junior high schools in New Taipei City was not significantly different. 6.There was a significant positive correlation between the influential factors of the implementation and the implementation of the excellent school policy.



卓越學校, 政策執行, 政策執行影響因素, excellent school, policy implementation, influential factors of policy implementation





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