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古今中外婚禮乃人生重要儀式,越來越多新人希望自己的婚禮能和別人不一樣,期待婚禮中能添加一些個人特色。本研究旨在運用質性研究的方法,藉由深度訪談三位自行企劃婚禮的新人,探討三人對婚禮創意的企劃與實踐歷程,分析並了解三位研究參與者的「個人特質」、「生活環境」、「創造歷程」;佐以訪談參與婚禮賓客的感想,研究參與者所提供的照片、書面資料、個人部落格等資料進行探討,主要發現及結論如下: 一、婚禮企劃者的個人特質: 這三位研究參與者共通的個人特質包括,能勇於表達自己的想法;堅持有毅力,訂定目標後努力實踐、全力以赴;有廣泛的興趣及樂於接受新事物。 二、婚禮企劃者的生活環境: 研究由原生家庭的教養態度、教育歷程、工作經歷、重要他人、婚姻伴侶等五個向度切入,發現生活環境對於這三位研究參與者均有重要的影響。 三、婚禮企劃者的創造歷程: 從三位研究參與者的企劃歷程分析,發現婚禮創意是一個目標任務導向的行動歷程,研究參與者為了在婚禮這個人生中的重要儀式上留下特別的回憶而克服重重困難,呈現充滿個人特色的婚禮。 論文撰寫期間適逢研究者籌備婚禮,研究者在自己企劃實踐婚禮創意的歷程中,發現創造力會在需要時展現,每個人都可展現自己的創造力,創意使生活更多采多姿。最後針對研究主題及自己的經驗提出建議,做為未來想籌備婚禮新人的參考。
Throughout the world, wedding is an important ritual in lifetime. More and more newlyweds hope their own wedding is different than others, they expect to add some personal style in wedding. The purpose of this research is by investigating three newlyweds, who plan their wedding by themselves, to do the planning with practicing process for wedding ceremony creativity, analyzing and understanding these three study participants’ 「personality」、「background」、「creative process」by using qualitative research and in-depth interviews as main methods. And the research also refer to wedding guests’ feedback, with photos、written materials、personal blogs which came from study participants, the results are discovered and discussed as follows: 1. Wedding planner’s personality: There are some common personalities for these study participants, including “they have the courage to express their own idea”; “they are persistent and try their best to execute to achieve their setting goal”; “they have variety of interests and are willing to accept new things”. 2. Wedding planner’s background: The study is researched from five dimensions, including educative attitude of primary family, education process, working experience, key influenced person, and marriage partner. The results showed that background has important impact to all three study participants. 3. Wedding planner’s creative process: Analyzing the wedding plan process from three study participants, the results showed that wedding ceremony creativity is a task-based action process. In order to have great memory from wedding, which is such an important ritual in lifetime, the participants overcome lots of difficulties to present their own personal style wedding. The researcher also prepare own wedding during the period of writing thesis. The researcher discovered that creativity will be presented when it being needed during the process for planning and executing own wedding ceremony creativity. Everyone can present their own creativity, let creativity make life more colorful. Consequently, some suggestions being raised per research theme and own experience which can be as reference for newlyweds in the future.



創意婚禮, 創造力4P理論, 創造歷程, wedding ceremony creativity, the 4P's model of creativity, creative process

