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本研究旨在了解臺北市國中輔導教師與特教教師於轉介前介入階段的合作情形,邀請三所國中的輔導教師與特教教師為訪談對象,請研究參與者分享共同將校內疑似特殊需求學生轉介到特教系統的經驗與合作歷程,本研究之結論如下: 一、轉介前介入的歷程 轉介前介入始於導師或輔導教師發現班上有疑似特殊需求學生,由輔導教師或導師與特教教師進行討論,輔導教師於歷程中搜集資料、與家長溝通、與特教教師討論、執行介入的策略;特教教師從旁提供輔導教師建議,當家長有疑慮時,則與家長進一步溝通。雙方於轉介前介入階段中保持密切連繫,共同評估學生是否需要進入特教系統。 二、影響轉介前介入的因素可分為四大向度: 導師、校內教師(輔導教師與特教教師)、轉介學生以及家長。 三、輔導教師與特教教師於轉介前介入中使用的策略: (一)輔導教師在轉介前介入中使用的策略為資料蒐集、訪談教師、召開個案研討會、讓學生接受補救教學及小團體輔導等。 (二)特教教師在轉介前介入中使用的策略為建議家長帶學生就醫,或是針對學生特質提供教學輔導上的建議。 四、輔導教師與特教教師於轉介前介入中扮演的角色: (一)輔導教師於轉介前介入中擔任問題發現者、資料蒐集者、求詢者、策略執行者、策略成效評估者、個案管理者及特教系統轉銜者的角色。 (二)特教教師於轉介前介入中擔任特教專業諮詢者及特教系統把關者的角色。 五、輔導教師與特教教師對雙方合作的想法 (一)輔導教師與特教教師具有專業、態度、溝通技巧、問題解決能力及了解對方職責工作內容是雙方合作的前提。 (二)輔導教師與特教教師的合作關係屬於專業之間的交流。 (三)輔導教師與特教教師認為合作對象具有合作理念、熱心、正向、不計較工作多寡等特質有利於雙方合作的進行。 (四)輔導教師與特教教師均有專業增能的需求。
This study aims to explore the collaboration between school counselors and special education teachers in pre-referral intervention progress . School counselors and special education teachers from three junior high schools are invited to join this study, sharing their collaboration experience of pre-referral intervention progress The main findings of the study are as follows 1. The pre-referral intervention process Pre-referral begins when homeroom teachers and school counselors recognize students, who are likely to have special (education) needs, and then start discussion among school counselors/homeroom teachers and special education teachers. School counselors and special education teachers provide assistance in this period. The former collect information, communicates with the students’ parents, discuss with special education teachers, and implement the referral strategies. The latter help school counselors provide suggestions and communicate with parents when they have worries. Both sides keep in close contact with each other, assessing whether these students should be introduced to the special education system. 2. There are four main factors influencing the pre-referral intervention progress The homeroom teacher, teachers (school counselors and special education teachers), the students who would be referred, and the students’ parents. 3. The strategies school counselors and special education teachers used in the pre-referral intervention progress (1) Strategies used by school counselors: collecting information, interviewing teachers, holding case meetings at school, involving students who would be referred in remedial teaching or group counseling (2)Strategies used by special education teacher: suggesting parent take their children to a medical professional, or give teachers suggestions on teaching and counseling according to students’ characteristics. 4. The role of school counselors and special education teachers in the pre-referral intervention progress (1)The school counselors serve as the ones who discover problems, collect information, offer consultation, implement strategies, assess the effectiveness of strategies, manage cases, and initiate the referral process. (2)The special education teachers serve as professional counselors and the watch guards for the special education system in the pre-referral intervention progress. 5.The feedback of the collaboration between school counselors and special education teachers (1) The prerequisite of collaboration is that both of the school counselors and special education teachers should have their own expertise, positive attitude, communication skills, problem solving ability and understanding of each others’ duty. (2) Professional exchange is the basis of the collaboration between school counselors and special education teachers. (3) The pre-referral process is facilitated when the partner embraces the same philosophy, and is passionate, positive, never balking at the workload. (4) There is a need for both school counselors and special education teachers to have professional development.



合作, 臺北市國中, 轉介前介入, 輔導教師, collaboration, junior high schools, pre-referral intervention, school counselor

