

本研究主要目的為探討民間參與北縣運動設施所應考量之相關課題並分析新莊、板橋、樹林三場委外經營之適切性。研究以文獻分析輔以訪談北縣體育處代表、民意代表、體育團體進行。研究結果指出:民間的投資意願,與上述團體對設施民營化所引發「民眾反應」的問題乃影響民間參與經營的最主要因素;至於風險的來源,受訪對象多認為廠商乃最大風險之來源,肇因於價格標之制度無法掌控廠商未來營運表現;而配套措施之擬定應思考如何回應上述組織對設施民營化之考量與預防廠商風險兩方面,故第一部份應建立「公益時段」、「價格訂定」、「回饋機制」、「教育意義」、「民眾宣導」之配套措施,預防廠商風險應建立「審核機制」、「維修規範」、「處罰條款」、「因應團隊」之配套;最後提出新莊場為北縣最適合民間參與經營之場館,原因為其具「高自償性之運動設施」、「區域人口母數多」、「集客力強」等三大特色。 關鍵詞:民間參與、公立運動設施、運動設施
This study has focused on the appropriateness of BOT case of sports facility in Taipei County. S, B, and SL Sport Park were three researching targets. Reference analyzing, and deeply interview with government officials, legislators, and sport organization. The resultswere as follows: The willingness of private investment and public opinion of facility BOT were the main factors which influenced private investment most. As for the source of risk, it was thought that firms were the main cause of risk. Because bidding price system cannot reflect the performance of firms and setting supplementary measures should match the demand of groups above and firm risk-aversion. So we should build up supplementary measures of “charitable time”, “pricing” , “feedback mechanism” , “meaning for education” , “ policies promotion” in the first section. And firm risk-aversion should rely on “examining law”, “principles in facility maintaining”, and “reserving for taking over”. Finally, ShiChung Sport Park was the most appropriate location for BOT, for its “self-liquidating”, “large amount of population”, and “accessibility for inhabitants”. Key words: BOT, Public Sport Facility, Sport Facility



民間參與, 公立運動設施, 運動設施, BOT, Public Sport Facility, Sport Facility





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